
Les thé et tisanes

Les thés et tisanes sont des boissons très présentes partout dans le monde. En hiver, on les apprécie pour nous réchauffer et pour leur côté réconfortant. En été, on les boit froides pour se désaltérer. Le thé est la deuxième boisson la plus bue au monde après l’eau ! Sa consommation mondiale tourne autour de 1 200 milliards de tasses bues chaque année, ce qui fait 36 000 tasses par secondes.  

Bamboo Matcha Whisk
18,00 € 18,00 €
Bamboo whisk for stirring and whisking matcha tea
Matcha, fine powdered tea
16,00 € 16,00 €
Matcha: intense green color with a fresh, aromatic flavor.
Thé Vert BIO
10,00 € 10,00 €
Tea leaves contain L-theanine, an amino acid which helps to relax the mind. It also has a beneficial effect on protecting and preserving the body's tissues against aggression, thanks to its high content of antioxidant plyphenols.
Coffret tisanes Hildegarde
11,80 € 11,80 €
Le Coffret Découverte Tisane Hildegarde de Bingen propose une palette riche et variée de saveurs florales et fruitées.
Infusion "Tulsi serenity
3,40 € 3,40 €
The infusion of all those who are in search of serenity in everyday life.

Yogi Tea "Soul Balm"
3,40 € 3,40 €
A tea like an embrace. Just the delicious smell of cocoa shells puts you at ease.
Infusion Choco Chaï - Bio
4,20 € 4,20 €
Ayurvedic Spice Infusion for Chocolate Lovers
Infusion Good Night - Organic
3,40 € 3,40 €
Ayurvedic infusion with fennel, chamomile flowers and valerian roots
Infusion Tumeric Orange - Bio
3,40 € 3,40 €
Ayurvedic infusion with turmeric, orange and vanilla spices
Infusion Cranberry Hibiscus - Bio
3,40 € 3,40 €
Ayurvedic infusion with maté, hibiscus, cranberry and black tea
Infusion Feel Pure Citron - Bio
3,40 € 3,40 €
Ayurvedic herbal tea with lemon, dandelion and liquorice.
Infusion Rooibos - Organic
3,40 € 3,40 €
Ayurvedic infusion with rooibos spices, cinnamon and clove
Tulsi - organic
13,00 € 13,00 €
Vitality herbal tea - organic
6,00 € 6,00 €
Hildegarde de Bingen Vitality Herbal Tea is an infusion with a rich, warm and spicy aromatic palette! A delicious recipe of fruits, flowers and tasty herbs, offering a rich, warm and spicy aromatic palette to fill you up with energy!
Inner Strength Tea - organic
6,00 € 6,00 €
Hildegarde de Bingen Inner Strength Tea captures you with a soft, delicate sensation of fruity and spicy notes: a skilful blend of white tea and spices. Ginger and licorice have antioxidant properties.
Slenderness herbal tea - organic
6,00 € 6,00 €
Aromandise's Tisane Minceur offers a delicious balance of fruity and floral aromas, helping to restore or maintain a beneficial slimming effect.
Bonne Nuit herbal tea - organic
6,00 € 6,00 €
Tisane Bonne Nuit by Aromandise is a delicious herbal tea with fruity accents and a sweet, lemony fragrance, restful and soothing, perfect for preparing for a restful sleep. This herbal tea is freely inspired by the teachings of Abbess Hildegarde von Bingen, renowned for her knowledge of medicinal plants.