Probiotics to fight acne?

No one likes to wake up and discover that their skin has broken out overnight! You may have already tried everything, a bunch of treatments and so-called "miracle cures". Yet your acne keeps coming back. Acne outbreaks can be very persistent. It's not a skin problem that goes away after adolescence, as doctors used to think. This established point has led to new research to discover solutions to treat persistent acne. And probiotics seem to play a satisfactory role in fighting acne. Find out how probiotics and acne can 

How to treat acne with probiotics?

Les probiotics are groups of micro-organisms considered beneficial to human health. There are different types of probiotics, i.e. theycan be bacteria or yeast. can be bacteria or yeast. Researchers have found that certain categories of probiotics can be beneficial for specific health problems such as treating acne.

Our digestive system is where most of the probiotics living in our body are found. Scientists commonly call this : the intestinal floral. Over time and with the use of certain medications, the healthy bacteria living in the gut can disappear. If this happens, the body has trouble absorbing and using the nutrients in food. As a result, you have trouble fighting viruses and infections, or acne.

Probiotics and acne, what causes acne?

Determining the causes of acne can help find new and more effective solutions to clear up your skin! Acne can be caused by a variety of life events:

  • We know that the hormonal changes that often occur duringadolescence can trigger acne flare-ups
  • Menstruation, 
  • Grossesse, 
  • Et the simple process of aging are common life events that can also trigger hormonal changes and therefore acne.
  • Stress, genetic background, 
  • the use of certain medications or diseases can also trigger acne outbreaks
  • What we eat
  • The level of hydration
  • et the hygiene routine de the skin can have an impact on the health of our skin. This can contribute to the frequency and severity of acne breakouts in some individuals.

Probiotics and acne: How do probiotics work to fight acne?

Scientists already know that probiotics can be beneficial for the body in cases of chronic diseases such as constipation, chronic digestive problems, acne or other skin conditions. However, they still don't know exactly how probiotics work!

The main theories suggest that the taking probiotics can replenish your body'shealthy intestinal flora. It can improve your body's immune system, repair the digestive tract after illness or injury. Taking probiotics can also fight against unwanted microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.

Know that if you're struggling to treat your skin for acne, probiotics can help! According to one study, probiotics have been shown to have a very promising impact on chronic acne.


Probiotics and acne, how do probiotics work?

Medical research does not yet confirm in a clear way how  probiotics act. It is therefore impossible to explain in detail the interaction between taking probiotics and reducing acne outbreaks. However, studies show that there is a link between taking probiotics and healing acne!

In 2014, the American Academy of Dermatology announced in a press release that probiotics may be the most promising treatment for acne and rosacea. Experts studying the use of probiotics to reduce acne are considering two applications: topical and internal.

What are the benefits of probiotics on acne?

Researchers found three potential benefits felt by taking probiotics topically or orally. 

  • These microorganisms have been proven effective for over a decade in the treatment of rosacea andacne. They can modify the skin's microbiome to reduce inflammation and repel unwanted bacteria and toxins. This helps prevent acne breakouts.
Probiotics against acne, a solution
  • They are non-toxic and beneficial to the body, unlike modern drugs. Researchers say that intestinal imbalance is involved in acne outbreaks. 

  • And by adding healthy probiotics to the body, it becomes more able to fight inflammation and environmental toxins.

How to select the best probiotics for acne?

There are many categories of probiotics for acne. Although specialists have not examined the properties of each of the different strains of these living microorganisms, some strains have been identified that may have a beneficial impact on the health of the epidermis by reducing acne.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus is one of the best known probiotic strains for acne. This microorganism has been tested and found to be beneficial in reducing acne. Another beneficial strain is called Lactobacillus Bifidobacterium. Experts have known about these two bacteria since 1961 and studies have been conducted on their various health benefits.

Why try these micro-organisms against acne?

Current research shows that these bacteria or yeasts can provide improvements to skin health. They can reduce the clogging of follicles due to inflammation and toxins.

In addition, they can provide other benefits including improved gut health, immune system response... The addition of probiotics has helped patients with rosacea, atopic dermatitis, acne and other skin conditions.

Precautions: if you are currently taking antibiotics, discuss with your doctor the best time to take the probiotics for your skin health.


Marie Dupont 17 May, 2019
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