
Les complexes de fleurs de Bach

Edward Bach, qui etait-il ?

Edward Bach (1886-1936), était un médecin bactériologiste et homéopathe Anglais. Il avait la conviction que la maladie était la résultante d'un déséquilibre interne induit par des émotions refoulées ou mal gérées.  Il s'est donc intéressé à l'homéopathie puis, dans sa campagne anglaise, il a commencé à faire des recherches sur les plantes et plus particulièrement les fleurs poussant près de chez lui. Ainsi, à leur contact, il a créé une nouvelle méthode de soin naturel basé sur :

  • une vision spirituelle

  • un objectif thérapeutique incarné par le célèbre « guéris-toi toi-même »

  • une nouvelle forme de diagnostic

  • le choix des plantes à haut taux vibratoire

  • un mode de préparation unique par macération solaire et décoction

  • le principe d'autoguérison

  • l'utilisation par le plus grand nombre

  • un retour à l'essentiel 

26 - Rock rose - Hélianthème - bio - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Confidence and serenity - Gives strength, courage, composure and calm.
24 - Pine - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Acceptance and guilt reduction, appropriate reaction and responsibility.
23 - Olive - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Bach Olive Flower helps with physical, intellectual or emotional exhaustion. Olive promotes relaxation and restores a taste for life's simple pleasures.
22 - Oak - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Bach Flower of Oak helps those with a fighting temperament to learn to let go, so they don't push themselves beyond their limits.
21 - Mustard - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Feeling sad or melancholy for no apparent reason? Bach Flower Mustard helps you overcome these moments by stimulating joie de vivre and optimism.
20 - Mimulus - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Mimule Bach Flower helps to free oneself from worry, so that one can make choices that are no longer dictated by fear.
19 - Larch - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Courage and hope - Brings courage, serenity and intuition, and aids decision-making and action.
17 - Hornbeam - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Bach Flower Charm stimulates feelings of strength and willpower in people who lack courage in the face of everyday tasks and tend to put things off until tomorrow.
16 - Honeysuckle - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Vitality and joie de vivre - Helps you live the present better and combat nostalgia.
15 - Houx - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Holly helps to open the heart and express positive feelings. This Bach flower is for people who feel overwhelmed by mistrust, jealousy or hatred.
14 - Bruyère - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Communication and sociability - Promotes sociability, openness to others, communication and altruism.
13 - Wormwood - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Strength and willpower - Restores hope, strength and willpower in the face of difficulties.
11 - Elm - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Courage and hope - Helps increase strength, confidence, efficiency and perseverance.
10 - Wild apple tree - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Courage and hope - Facilitates self-acceptance, purifies thoughts and promotes spiritual evolution.
09 - Clematis - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Vitality and joie de vivre - Helps to anchor oneself in reality and control one's imagination.
08 - Chicory - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Acceptance and understanding - Helps respect the freedom of others and opens the way to tolerance and altruism.
07 - Chestnut Bud - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Vitality and joie de vivre - Intensifies alertness, understanding and experiential learning.
Cerato - Plumbago - organic - 20 ml
13,80 € 13,80 €
Bach Flower Plumbago helps to gain confidence in one's own judgment, without systematically seeking the approval of others.