Sophrology in the mental preparation of the athlete

Sophrology is gradually entering the stadiums. Many top athletes use this technique to prepare themselves mentally for competitions. You don't have to be on the national team to enjoy its benefits! Everyone at his or her level can find something to do. Zoom on the applications of sophrology in the sports field.

Founded by Alfonso Caycedo in the 60's, sophrology is a natural method inspired by different Eastern and Western philosophical currents to work on the mental capacity of each person. Visualization, breathing exercises, dynamic relaxation are some of the tools used during psycho-emotional coaching sessions. 

The different fields of action of sophrology in the sports field

  • management of stressLearn to recognize good stress
  • visualization of technical gestures and/or a course
  • mental preparation, goal setting
  • pain management
  • body awareness
  • self-esteem, motivation, group cohesion
  • recovery
  • learn to fall asleep anywhere

Sophrology for a mind of steel

At a certain level, what will make the difference between two excellent athletes will be mental strength. The sophrology is just right for preparation before a competition. It trains the athlete to visualize the course, to feel his support, to become aware of his body in space, to manage his physical strength, his enduranceits concentration. 

In addition, practical breathing exercises and concentration coupled with the notion of mindfulness (being in the here and now) are addressed in sessions in order to be applied in real life situations. Thus, thanks to sophrology you can improve the precision and the smoothness of a gesture without being parasitized by thoughts or by what is happening around you. 

Sophrology to manage physical stress.

During a sports season, the numerous competitions and intensive training sessions generate physical and psychological stress. The body is pushed to its limits, flirting with injury. 

Sophrology allows you to learn how to relax, breathe, oxygenate your body properly and recognize good from bad stress. 

Recognizing good stress with sophrology.

There are 2 types of stress: the good, the "eustress" and the bad, the "distress" to use the words of Hans Selye, researcher on the general adaptation syndrome. 

The eustress is this internal tension which makes you on the lookout, ultra concentrated and in hyper vigilance. Eustress is a so-called positive stress because it stimulates you and pushes you to perform and give your best. 

Distress, on the other hand, is that stress that sabotages you, that makes you tired, that makes you lose your means. This negative stress is so harmful that it prevents healing or at least slows down the healing and recovery process.

Thanks to sophrology, you learn to decode your body and mental signals. This work of introspection and self-knowledge is essential to manage your emotions as well as possible. Your performance will only be better. 

The place of sophrology in the recovery process

After a competition, sophrology can help you to manage pain, injuries and possible defeats. 

As mentioned above, distress slows down the body's ability to heal itself. By inviting the athlete to release his muscular and emotional tensions via visualizations, the sophrologist acts directly on his stress level which will undeniably drop. Less stress means quicker recovery. 

How does a sophrology session work?

Sessions are either individual or group. Each of them responds to a specific need and is intended to be progressive, both in time and during the same session. 

The sophrologist guides participants into a light trance, bordering on sleep. It is during this altered state of consciousness that the practitioner will "encode" the athletes' unconscious by inviting them to visualize scenes of well-being, courses, playing fields, technical gestures, etc... They are also led to focus their attention on tensioned, overstressed or injured body areas in order to relieve them. In addition, the session is also punctuated with breathing exercises to bring more relaxation and relaxation

Stress-relieving tips are shared during the sessions to be practiced in case of an emergency. 

When you decide to prepare yourself with sophrology, know that the virtues go beyond the sports framework. Indeed, the benefits of this work on yourself are felt in every sphere of your life, personal and professional.  

Alexia Bernard 6 November, 2019
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