Ho'oponopono : Hawaiian ritual of reconciliation and forgiveness

"Sorry, Sorry, Thank you, I love you". 5 words that sound like a magic formula. 5 words so simple and yet so powerful. Ho'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian wisdom that invites you to make peace with yourself. Discover how to say goodbye to unfounded feelings of guilt, limiting beliefs and other psycho-emotional blockages, simply and quickly!

The origins of Ho'oponopono

In the Hawaiian Dictionary, ho'oponopono is defined as "spiritual cleansing, a family gathering, during which relationships are restored through prayers, the act of contrition, repentance and mutual forgiveness. "

The word hoʻoponopono is composed of hoʻo which means "to begin an action" and pono which means "goodness, honesty, morality, moral qualities, correct and just actions, excellence, prosperity, attention, usefulness, natural state, duty, just, equitable, right, appropriate, relaxed, relieved, should, would, must, necessary ; "ponopono means "to set right; right, rework, harmonize, correct, regularize, order, clean, tidy, act right. ""(Source: wikipedia)

This practice was ordered whenever discord appeared within a family or within the same tribe/village. Indeed, according to Polynesian folklore, illness is born and nurtured by anger and unforgiveness. In order to avoid bad luck or to heal a sick person, ho'oponopono was practiced by all: the sick person himself and/or all concerned members. Once under the direction of a traditional priest or doctor and then under the order of a traditional judge, this ancestral methodwas adapted to be practiced independently. 

Ho'oponopono: in practice

"Sorry, sorry, thank you, I love you". Each of these words must make sense to you. Each of these words should resonate within you as a gentle and caring song. These terms are not insignificant. They invite you and your unconscious to recognize the sacredness of your person. They are a call to repentance. By agreeing to make peace with yourself, you start a general forgiveness process that extends far beyond your own person. In fact, by healing your wounds, everyone around you benefits...

First Ho'oponopono principle:sorry.e

When you say "I'm sorry", you are addressing that part of yourself that is suffering. You tell her that you are sorry for inflicting this pain on her. You acknowledge your responsibility in the way you emotionally handle this or that event which is, objectively speaking, quite neutral.

Second Ho'oponopono principle:Pardon

You forgive yourself for making yourself "sick", for getting "bad blood". You forgive yourself for allowing yourself to be invaded by fears that surely do not belong to you or that are the projection of the fears of others. 

You also forgive the Other who, in the end, is also in pain or fed by his fears. 

Forgiveness is the greatest liberation. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting. It allows you to move on, to move forward and to rebuild yourself. Holding on to grudges is not a healthy solution; it can, according to Hawaiian tradition (and not only), lead you to illness.

Third Ho'oponopono principle: thank you.

Thank you to the event, however painful or uncomfortable it may be, because thanks to it, you were able to put your finger on an unhealed wound and thus work on it for your liberation. As they say, "it's a blessing in disguise".

Thank you for finally taking care of yourself, for releasing some of your limiting beliefs. 

This "thank you" is also a mark of recognition, a form of gratitude towards Life.

Fourth Ho'oponopono principle:I love you.

The most important thing. Love is the cure for all ills. How can you give love to others if you do not give it to yourself? "I love you" is usually the hardest to say or integrate. This requires a re-evaluation of your self-esteem. It's not easy for everyone... but so liberating! 

To address an "I love you" is to recognize all your beauty, your shadow and your light, your authenticity, your uniqueness, your power but also your weakness and sensitivity. 

Saying "I love you" may sound silly, but try it and see what it feels like... 

Pronounced in consciousness, with the intention of liberation. emotionalThis formula will help you through many crises. With ho'oponopono, you access intimate, sincere and deep forgiveness for yourself as well as for others.

Alexia Bernard 15 October, 2019
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