
Discouragement - Despair

30 - Chestnut - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Chestnut Bach Flower helps you in times of despair and enables you to draw unsuspected strength from within yourself.
29 - Star of Bethlehem - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Overcome life's trials with this Bach Flower. Etoile de Béthléem brings you the comfort you need after bereavement, bad news or trauma.
24 - Pine - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Acceptance and guilt reduction, appropriate reaction and responsibility.
22 - Oak - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Bach Flower of Oak helps those with a fighting temperament to learn to let go, so they don't push themselves beyond their limits.
19 - Larch - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Courage and hope - Brings courage, serenity and intuition, and aids decision-making and action.
11 - Elm - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Courage and hope - Helps increase strength, confidence, efficiency and perseverance.
10 - Wild apple tree - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Courage and hope - Facilitates self-acceptance, purifies thoughts and promotes spiritual evolution.
Willow Bach Flower G38 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
Bach Flower Willow helps you to take charge of your own life when you feel resentful or bitter.