

33 - Noyer - bio - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Walnut flower elixir helps you to protect yourself in order to change and free yourself.
15 - Houx - organic - 20 ml
13.80 € 13.80 €
Holly helps to open the heart and express positive feelings. This Bach flower is for people who feel overwhelmed by mistrust, jealousy or hatred.
Centaury Bach Flower G4 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
Balance your needs with those of others.
Agrimony Bach Flower G1 - organic, alcohol-free
12.90 € 12.90 €
La Fleur de Bach Aigremoine (n° 1) est destinée aux personnes qui cachent leurs souffrances, craintes derrière un masque jovial. Elles ont tendance à se voiler la face, a minimiser les problèmes, a refuser de se confronter aux réalités de la vie.