Essential oils against dry cough

Dry cough is irritating and exhausting. It is self-perpetuating, straining the bronchial tubes and chest muscles. It is often a form of tracheitis, an inflammation of the trachea. It can be caused by respiratory or lung disease, asthma, smoking, or other chronic or occasional illnesses. To get rid of a dry cough, you can use essential oils.

Dry cough and wet cough are two different forms of expectoration; they are not treated with the same remedies. A dry cough can descend into the bronchial tubes and become a wet cough: in this case, the treatment should be modified.

What are the most effective essential oils for dry coughs?

Cypress oil from Provence

HE cypress of provence

As an express remedy against dry cough, cypress of Provence (or evergreen cypress, Cupressus sempervirens) is a good essential oil to have at home. It is effective against all types of dry coughs, recurring coughs, smokers' coughs or allergic coughs. It is also useful in case of voice extinction.

How to use the essential oil of cypress of Provence ?

It is consumed three to four times a day:

  • a drop of essential oil of cypress of Provence with 
  • a spoonful of miel (also good for the throat), until the cough disappears, during one week maximum.

This essential oil is estrogen-like It mimics the action of female hormones. It is therefore not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, or in case of hormone-dependent disease or mastosis. It is also not recommended for people with weak kidneys and for children under 12 years old.

Tarragon oil against allergies 

Tarragon EO

The essential oil of tarragon is a powerful anti-allergic. It can be useful against dry cough if it is related to asthma or allergy, or if it is nervous.

How to use this oil ?

Tarragon EO can be used orally, dermally or by inhalation. The easiest way to use it is to inhale it directly from the bottle, two inhalations twice a day. It can also be used in cooking, one or two drops incorporated in a vinaigrette.

Be careful to always dilute it with a vegetable oil when used by cutaneous way, because it is dermocaustic. It should not be used in pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under 12 years old, in case of hormone-dependent cancer and allergy to asteraceae

Avoid prolonged use: if the problem persists, consult a doctor.

How to treat a dry cough by combining several oils?

If the essential oil of cypress of Provence is a must against cough, it can also be combined with others for their antitussive, decongestant or anti-inflammatory virtues.

By oral way, one can associate the essential oil of cypress of Provence with that of thyme with linalol, anti-infectious.

How to use them?

Pour one drop of each essential oil into an infusion of thymto drink in the evening.

The essential oil of thyme linalol is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A massage with essential oils

The essential oil of cypress of Provence can also be used by cutaneous way, on the bronchi and the back.

In a teaspoon sweet almond oil, on dilue:

The latter can also be replaced by theeucalyptus radiataexcellent decongestant. This massage with essential oils is to be done two to three times a day, during one week maximum.

Essential oils in diffusion

HE diffuser

The essential oils of cypress of Provence or tarragon can be used in inhalation, with the bottle once or twice a day, or in diffuser. In an essential oil diffuser, place :

Attention, the essential oil of eucalyptus radiata is disadvised in the asthmatic subjects. Do not use orally without medical advice simultaneously with a medicinal treatment.

Dry coughs can be related to a too dry atmosphere, too much heating or air conditioning at home or at the office: you can use a humidifier which also diffuses essential oils to optimize the effects of the diffusion.


Essential oils can help ease coughing and irritation, and calm your respiratory system (and your nerves). Of course, during your treatment, avoid smoking! Also, drink plenty of water or herbal tea (le thym is your ally). If the dry cough persists beyond two or three weeks, consult your doctor: it may be a sign of an underlying pathology.

Brasil Maria 12 December, 2022
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