Digestion, and if you opt for the right gestures?

Nausea, bloating, belching, sluggish digestion, feelings of heaviness or gastric acidity are just some of the discomforts you experience on a daily basis? Today, digestive problems are one of the major problems of civilization, for a variety of reasons.

Indeed, in recent years, the world has decided to move much faster - far too fast, in fact - and we've entered a consumer society that no longer leaves us any time for meals. It's not uncommon to come across someone with a sandwich in one hand and a cell phone in the other, or a hastily-prepared meal in between business meetings. Unfortunately, it's not just workers who are affected by this lifestyle, which no longer suits the body. Even when we're at home, we turn on the TV when we sit down to dinner, or stay glued to the computer to watch a YouTube video or a series on a well-known website, all the while swallowing sip after sip of the plate in front of us.

Is this the best way to eat?

Of course not! In the end, it's all a question of lifestyle habits and well-being. Easy to say, isn't it? And yet, our lifestyle is the basis of everything! We've forgotten what a healthy lifestyle is, both in terms of diet and overall well-being, and what it means to eat well. The world moves too fast, and too much is asked of us. Whether in our professional, personal or family lives, it's as if the environment in which we live wants to turn us into superheroes, thinking machines, machines for creating and working. Change is the solution.

Before you run off to your pharmacist or doctor, who is sure to give you this or that pill to soothe your digestion or that syrup to line and relieve your stomach, think about your lifestyle habits.

How do you eat? Under what conditions? Who accompanies you? Are you satisfied with your meal? Do you feel you're eating in peace and quiet in a healthy environment? All this is certainly not easy, especially if you eat in a communal setting or have to share your meal with other people, as in your workplace for example.

A few keys to a healthy diet

  • We prepare our meals in advance with heart and passion. That way, we don't have to run off at lunchtime to any snack bar or fast-food restaurant (sandwiches, burgers, sushi, junk food, etc.).
  • We can also plan a menu for the week, so that we don't get carried away. Indeed, it's often when we don't know what to eat that we end up in a snack bar or eating food that isn't healthy for us. Junk food is more often the result of poor organization. The "menu of the week" also allows you to shop thoughtfully, so you don't buy too much or too little.
  • We set aside a limited, fixed time to consume our meal, in peace and self-respect. Because eating while walking, working or reading is not good for our digestion or nutrient assimilation. Generally speaking, when we're busy with another task during a meal, we tend to eat more, to eat too much, and therefore to have digestive problems, but also to put on weight.
    Allow at least 20 minutes per meal.
  • We eat every mouthful properly. Here again, it's not uncommon to find people who don't chew and let their stomach do all the work. Our mouth is a useful organ for digestion, as it helps to lighten the digestive workload. So, if we don't chew, we'll suffer more digestive pain.
  • Avoid stimulating foods such as coffee, alcohol and tobacco.

If, despite these new habits, your digestion is still suffering, it's worth consulting a naturopath to carry out a complete assessment of your emunctories, as well as a general practitioner who can provide essential medical solutions.

Vanessa Colant 23 February, 2018
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