3 must-have detox teas after holiday meals

Are the heavy, watery meals of the holidays sticking to your stomach? To ease your digestion and activate the detox process here are three effective infusions to prepare to feel lighter. At the end of the article, you will find a bonus presenting all the plants acting on the digestive sphere. Prepare yourself a good tea and enjoy reading!

1. Rosemary infusion to protect and regenerate the liver

The rosemary Acts on the activity of the gallbladder by increasing the production and secretion of bile. Thus, it facilitates the digestion of fats. People suffering from cholesterol, poor digestion of fats or gallbladder lithiasis could take rosemary macerate. 

In cases of hepatic overload, it acts as a detoxifier while having the role of protector and regenerator for the liver.

At the digestive level, the cardamom is therefore :

  • Hepatoprotective

The hepatoprotective action of rosemary is due to the presence of phenolic acids. They help maintain and increase the enzymatic activity of glutathione peroxidase, which tends to be diminished when the liver is in contact with toxins and pollutants. 

In addition, it protects against hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) by decreasing triglycerides. 

  • Detoxifying

The phenol acids increase enzymatic activity. This thus impacts proper blood filtration and elimination of toxins. 

  • Choleric and cholagogue

Rosemary stimulates the production and secretion of bile which aids digestion. 

2. Blessed thistle, a digestive tonic

The blessed thistle is a bitter tonic. It is therefore stomachic and digestive. In other words, this plant stimulates the appetite and facilitates digestion by activating the secretions of the stomach, intestine and gall bladder

The blessed thistle  is also considered as a tonic in case of anemia or asthenia (chronic fatigue). 

In addition, its stimulating properties of the digestive system will be of good help for all the problems related to a "lazy" stomach: acidity problem, aerophagia, dilatation or descent of the stomach.

The cnicin referred to above is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It is this same molecule that is also responsible for the bitter taste that is so pronounced and, as such, gives it its digestive properties. Indeed, it is thanks to the bitterness that the salivary glands as well as the gastric juices are stimulated.

The blessed thistle is not only confined to the digestive sphere. It is also known for its depurative and diuretic action which, as part of an adapted lifestyle, makes it a choice ally to evacuate uric acid which tends to lodge in the joints causing then rheumatic pains and/or gout attacks. 

3. The therapeutic properties of cardamom today recognized.

The cardamom Has carminative properties, meaning it facilitates the expulsion of gas contained in the intestines. It also helps with digestion, calms dyspepsia of nervous origin, ulcers, flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea and colics. It regulates gastric secretions, calms digestive spasms and promotes the proliferation of good intestinal bacteria. 

Finally, chewing cardamom seeds freshens breath. 

Prepare your infusion .

The plant can be infused alone or in synergy with other singles. The juice of 1/2 lemon will not only flavor the preparation but also bring its benefits. Indeed, lemon acts on the hepatobiliary functions and restores a pH that is a little too acidic. 

  • Heat the water. The root plants will be simmered with the water to extract all the active ingredients. 

  • Place fresh or dried herbs in a teapot.

  • Pour the water over the plants. 

  • Let infuse a few minutes before tasting. 

BONUS, other herbs to brew

To put on your plate, in your infusions or to take as a dry or liquid extract, herbs are wonderful allies to help you take care of your digestive system.

  • peppermint and ginger are antiemetic (anti-nausea) and digestive. 

  • The fennelStar anise and dill are carminative (facilitates the expulsion of gas)

  • Desmodium, milk thistle and black radish are hepatoprotective and the last two with rhubarb stimulate bile secretion and protect the gastric mucosa.

  • Licorice (contraindicated in cases of high blood pressure) relieves functional dyspepsia (heartburn, ulcerations, reflux ...)

  • L'artichoke Is antiemetic and carminative while being hepatoprotective. 

  • Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory of the digestive tract

  • Cumin is appetizing (opens the appetite) and digestive

  • The verbena and lemon balm relieve intestinal spasms

Alexia Bernard 20 December, 2021
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