Vegetable oils to be banned permanently

Ifcoconut oil is great forthe body and for health, the same is not true for all vegetable oils. Some are to be avoided altogether, as they are downright harmful and toxic to our bodies.

What are these oils to ban?

1 - Canola oil (processed rapeseed)

This oil is so modified that even in nature insects and animals avoid it! Indeed, this plant derived from the mustard family contains toxic components derived from cyanide.

It is traditionally used in very small quantities in Indian and Asian cultures. In contrast, Americans use rapeseed oil everywhere and for everyone.

Refined and deodorized, the rapeseed from which this oil is extracted is subjected to extreme temperatures to such an extent that no virtue of omega-3s remains.

The rapeseed used to make this oil is purely GMO; yet the health damage they cause is beginning to be recognized.

A good tip: read the labels on the foods you buy, because they're everywhere!

2 - Cottonseed oil


Cottonseed oil is incorporated into thousands of food products from large industry. You will find it in cans, in prepared and pre-packaged meals, in energy drinks or those intended for sportsmen.

Let's remember that cotton was originally an inedible product. Cotton crops are extensively sprayed with excessively hazardous plant protection products. Triethylene, cyanide, dicofol, or any other chemical molecule that is intended to kill the insects and vermin that swarm in these crops.

Inevitably, plants subjected to this treatment retain extremely harmful traces of it.

Cotton is normally used for clothing, but its consumption as food or oil is strongly discouraged, especially since, like rapeseed, most of these plants are genetically modified.

Cottonseed oil contains very large proportions of of fatty acids of the omega-6 type which are known to be extremely allergenic and inflammatory.

The reactions allergic induced can be deadly, which does not seem to worry the FDA, which does not require any warning claims.

3 - Safflower oil

Studies about safflower oil show that it contains levels of omega-6 that are highly toxic and conducive to heart disease.

It is currently known that it is primarily the ratio of the amount of omega-6 to of omega-3 that is important in high cholesterol problems.

Researchers now have evidence that high levels of omega-6 are excessively toxic. These are the very fatty acids that abound in the food of average Americans today.

In one study, people who replaced saturated animal fats with safflower vegetable oil saw their cholesterol levels drop significantly.

In contrast, accident mortality cardio-vascular and by coronary problems has really increased. This proves that the cholesterol is totally independent of serious cardiovascular problems.

4 - Soybean oil


In most cases, theoil of soybean is extracted from transgenic soybeans, it alone constitutes a major endocrine disruptor.

Even now, some health professionals recommend soy intake due to the fact that Asian populations who consume it regularly escape cancer and major diseases of civilization.

This is another misconception that must be abandoned.

If it is true that Asians consume soybeans, like rapeseed, it is in smaller quantities and in mainly fermented forms.

93% of the soybeans used by Americans are genetically engineered and consumed in forms other than fermented.

Soy contains phytoestrogens currently recognized as endocrine disruptors. The endocrine disruptions they cause are compounded by the disruptive effects of the pesticides used in huge quantities.

Beware, because soybean oil that ends up in bottles on your store shelves is highly denatured. Even if you consume "organic" or "organic" soybean oil, be aware that it has little nutritional value. But most importantly, it is not guaranteed "GMO-free." It is best to avoid it altogether.

So, vegetable oils yes, but the good ones, that is, mainly those rich in omega-3, from plants or seeds of a GMO and also those grown without harmful plant protection products.

By opting forvirgin coconut oil of organic originYou can combine all of these benefits with many more health benefits.

Sources for this article:

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 4 April, 2015
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