Cardiovascular pathologies: advantage of natural medicines

Since cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death with nearly 180,000 deaths per year in France, prevention must remain a priority for all of us. As for treatments, natural medicine offers effective solutions without side effects.

The heart, a pump that works day and night

The heart does a lot of work, circulating 5 liters of blood per minute in the body. During an effort, the heart can pump 35 liters of blood per minute.
Every day, the heart will perform about 100,000 beats to pump 7200 liters of blood!
To perform this colossal work, the heart must, even more than any other organ, be properly supplied with oxygen and nutrients. This is why it has its own system of feeder vessels, called coronary arteries.

The arteries, a pipe that must not become clogged

Excess cholesterol is deposited on the walls of the arteries forming fatty plaques that progressively reduce the size of the blood vessels. The passage of blood becomes more difficult until the formation of a clot (thrombosis) which will completely block the artery.
The arteries of the heart (coronary), those of the brain and the legs are particularly affected. If the blood flow is interrupted, it is referred to as a myocardial infarction, stroke or arteritis of the lower limbs respectively.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases (Chitoq10)

Cardiovascular health will mainly depend on keeping the pipes in good condition.
The 2 main nuisances at this level are excess cholesterol which settles on the walls of the arteries leading to a progressive reduction in the caliber of the blood vessels and high blood pressure which damages the arteries. Another important parameter is a good blood flow.

Treatment of high cholesterol (Colmin +)

The current drug treatment for high cholesterol is statins
This treatment is effective but has frequent side effects in the form of muscle pain or weakness, fatigue, memory and concentration problems, sleep problems, sexual problems and difficulty regulating their body temperature.
Unfortunately, the production of coenzyme Q10 is also affected by statin use. In fact, the level of coenzyme Q10 drops by 25% to 40% under statin treatment. Coenzyme Q10 is present in the mitochondria of all our cells where it plays a vital role in energy production. It is also a major antioxidant. In particular, it is the anti-oxidant of the cholesterol circulating in the blood. However, only oxidized cholesterol is deposited in the arterial walls, hence the need for the blood to contain enough coenzyme Q10. So what we gain by reducing cholesterol, we lose by reducing coenzyme Q10 levels.

It is for all these reasons that I advise against the use of statins, especially since there is a natural treatment that is just as effective as the drugs. I use a formula that allows a normalization of the cholesterol level after already one month of treatment.

Treatment of high blood pressure

Hypertension affects about 10 million people in France.
It is a sneaky disease because it is usually asymptomatic. Hypertension is the direct consequence of factors that lead to hardening of the arteries or factors that disrupt the function of the kidneys in its regulation of body fluids.
It is known that hardening of the arteries (by excess cholesterol) promotes hypertension.

There are many medications on the market for high blood pressure, but their side effects are as varied as they are numerous. There are 3 major classes of medications for hypertension:
1. Beta-blockers with numerous side effects: impotence, fatigue, sleep disorders, digestive disorders, cold extremities, asthma.
2. Calcium antagonists whose side effects are also numerous: hot flashes, headaches, heavy legs, dizziness, fatigue.
3. Conversion enzyme inhibitors whose side effects are less significant: dry cough, dizziness, headaches, fatigue.

My treatment strategy for hypertension will depend mostly on the extent of the problem. Blood pressure below 14/9 cmHg is considered normal.
In mild to moderate hypertension (below 18/11), I always favor the natural approach using a high density chitosan oligomer extracted from crab.
The endothelial cells that form the inner layer of the vessels is known to be an important source of nitrous oxide (NO), a powerful vasodilator. The researchers suggest that the mechanism of action of Chitosan consists in an improvement of the production of this NO, which explains its favorable action in arterial hypertension.

Keeping blood flowing to avoid heart attack

blood test

It has long been known that taking very small amounts of aspirin daily, which measurably promotes blood fluidity, significantly reduces the risk of heart attack.
However, long-term intake of aspirin even in small doses promotes stomach ulcer.
Other drugs are used to thin the blood but whose side effects are: intestinal or nasal bleeding, nausea, diarrhea, skin rashes. It can also lead to liver or hematological damage (blood count abnormalities).
Once again the best solution is offered to us by nature namely the use of precious omegas-3 extracted from cold sea fish oil. Scientists had noticed for a long time that high consumers of fish (Eskimos, Japanese, for example) are significantly less affected by cardiovascular diseases.
Moreover, the favorable action of omega-3s is not limited to blood fluidity but also concerns blood pressure, vessel elasticity, the reduction of circulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as the regularity of the cardiac rhythm.
Dr. Andreas Studer of the University of Basel has reviewed 97 studies on the effect of various cardiac treatments on mortality. All these studies include more than 137,000 patients and 138,000 controls. The prize for effectiveness goes to the omegas-3s, according to Swiss researchers, which reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by 32%!
Of all the brands available, I advise you to choose an omega-3 with an EPA/DHA ratio = 70/10 and containing no heavy metals such as mercury.

When the damage is done

We have just seen how to reduce our cardiovascular risk by effectively controlling our cholesterol level, high blood pressure and blood fluidity.
Let's now see what natural medicine can offer to people already suffering from heart disease.
There are 3 main varieties of heart disorders:
- Either the heart muscle is worn out and no longer provides sufficient flow, this is heart failure which mainly affects elderly people.
- Either the heart's feeder vessels (the coronaries) are partially blocked or completely obstructed and it is respectivelyangina or heart attack.
- Or, there is a problem at the level of the electrical control of the heartbeats and they are heart rhythm disorders.

Heart failure

Heart failure occurs when the heart can no longer do its job as a pump effectively and therefore no longer provides sufficient blood flow to keep the tissues functioning properly. This pathology mainly affects elderly people whose hearts are simply tired. They are easily recognized by a simple observation: these people can no longer lie flat and are obliged to sleep in a semi-sitting position with several pillows behind their backs or they will suffocate. I use CoQ10 in the ubiquinol form (coenzyme Q10) in this case.

Angina pectoris and myocardial infarction

The heart muscle is vascularized by the coronary arteries. When the caliber of these arteries decreases (due to cholesterol deposits), the heart no longer receives enough blood and lacks oxygen, especially if it must make an effort. This results in pain in the middle of the chest, which is angina pectoris. If one or more coronary arteries become completely blocked, it results in the death of a more or less extensive area of heart muscle, which is myocardial infarction. This condition will require hospitalization followed by a period of revalidation and drug treatment.
Angina and heart attack are two conditions that have the same origin namely clogged arteries. Conventional medicine does not offer any treatment to "clean" one's arteries, whereas in natural medicine we have the method of oral chelation.
Oral chelation is a method of cleaning the arteries, which, beyond discussions and controversies, has proven to be safe and extraordinarily effective. It is now possible to help the circulatory system, in an entirely nutritional way, to rid the body of unacceptable plaques encrusted in the walls of the arteries.
This treatment is particularly indicated for people suffering from angina pectoris, heart attacks, cerebral thrombosis, arteritis of the lower limbs.

Heart rhythm disorders

heart rate

In the upper part of the heart, there is a small piece of very special heart tissue called the sino-atrial node. It is the natural pacemaker that triggers the heartbeat with a small electrical impulse but also regulates the heart rate. Rhythm disorders are very numerous and varied and it is impossible to describe them in this article. Let's just remember that many of these cardiac arrhythmias will be able to be considerably improved by simple means such as certain dietary corrections like coffee, alcohol or tobacco abuse.
In natural medicine, I get very nice results using a combination of two minerals which are magnesium and potassium. However for questions of effectiveness and safety (for potassium), it is absolutely essential to take them in the form of orotates which are selective transporters allowing minerals to penetrate to the heart of the cell.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 16 March, 2014
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