Fodmap, the miracle diet

FODMAP ? Ever heard of this method? In recent months, the FODMAP diet has been one of the miracle diets promoted on the internet or in the bookstores in the diet sections. This new food formula could reduce irritable bowel disorders by 75%. Indeed, this diet proves that the current diet and certain combinations are not adapted to our digestive system. Gluten is one of these foods and we often think that avoiding gluten will improve these painful phenomena. But when gluten is not the cause, you have to dig a little deeper.


When bellyaches make us bloated

Digestive disorders can be numerous, such as bloating, which is so frequent, belching, slow digestion and unexplained stomach aches. Certainly when we have tested all the allopathic drugs prescribed by our doctor, we ask ourselves the question why? Why am I still in pain if I take pills every day? Maybe it's stress, anxiety or an overly busy life that keeps us from getting healthier?

Of course, taking non-natural medications every day does not necessarily help you get better, but it does. What if we dig a little deeper?

Dr. Sue Shepard, an Australian nutritionist, would be at the origin of this new diet that would reduce the intake of poorly absorbed and fermentable sugars. Sugars that are found mainly in fruits and vegetables. Therefore, by applying this type of diet, we would considerably reduce irritable bowel disorders.



It was in 2005 that the word FODMAP was introduced. It refers to the set of short-chain carbohydrates that are indicative of this diet:

F = Fermentables ® rapidly fermented via colonic bacteria
O = Oligosaccharides ® fructan, not digestible by humans
D = Disaccharides ® lactose
M = Monosaccharides ® fructose
A = And - which here simply means "and"
P = Polyols

Of course, it is not easy to identify - on a daily basis - the foods that are suitable for this diet with these words that may seem a little learned. And so, it can be difficult to find your way around. With the help of a naturopath or a nutritionist who can guide you in this new type of diet, you can adapt your diet to get all the benefits of FODMAP.

Depending on their type, FODMAPs are not digested at all or only partially absorbed in the small intestine. A certain amount therefore transits to the colon. There, sugars would cause distension of the large intestine via an osmotic effect (call of water which increases the volume of the stools) and the production of gas (fermentation of sugars by the intestinal flora). This distension would play a preponderant role in the intestinal pains or the acceleration of the transit. The gases produced are also the cause of flatulence.


What should be reduced on our plate?

  • Oligosaccharides: Wheat, barley, rye, onions, leeks, garlic, shallots, artichokes, beets, fennel, etc.
  • Disaccharides: Cow, goat, sheep milk, cheeses, cream, buttermilk, milk powder, etc.
  • Monosaccharides: apple, pear, mango, asparagus, glucose syrup, honey, asparagus, artichokes, etc.
  • Polyols: avocado, black currant, blackberry, nectarine, cauliflower, etc.

The FODMAP approach has the advantage of not eliminating an entire food group: this avoids the deficiencies that can result from the multiple avoidance of foods that some people, whose digestion is very disturbed, are led to practice. It is therefore important to understand that this is a reduction in the amount of FODMAPs consumed and not a complete elimination.


Are the results of the FODMAP diet convincing?

It takes between 1 and a half to 2 months of low FODMAP diet to see interesting results and do a test to reintroduce each category to see which one is really causing you concern. Ideally, you should keep a food diary to follow your personal evolution.

Of course, in order to fill a gap completely, it is necessary to analyze the terrain and take all the factors into account. Therefore, a complete history of your health situation might be interesting if you suffer from these digestive problems on a daily basis.

Vanessa Colant 23 December, 2016
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