What essential oils should I use to treat a hematoma or bruise?

Chers Santies,

Did you know that essential oils can help relieve pain and make small hematomas disappear?A fall, a shock, an injury or surgery, and you're left with a hematoma. A small pocket of blood under the skin, also known as a "bruise", doesn't just happen to children!

Italian helichrysum oil: one of the most effective solutions for bruises

When it comes to bruises and hematomas, one essential oil is a must: Italian Helichrysum (immortelle). Here's how to use it. Italian helichrysum is also known as immortelle. Originally from the Mediterranean basin, this plant is rare and difficult to transform into essential oil, which explains its high price. It is, however, remarkable for any physical trauma, such as cuts, bumps, bruises or circulation problems. It is the most powerful anti-haematoma agent known to date.

For hematomas, use pure Italian helichrysum essential oil (one or two drops are enough) to apply where the bruise appears. Repeat the application three or four times a day until the bruise subsides.

In the event of surgery or dental extraction, apply two to three drops of Italian Helichrysum essential oil the day before the operation, then repeat a few hours before. After the operation, apply two drops (or more, depending on the size of the hematoma) of essential oil to the hematoma, five times a day for six days.

Cautions about Italian helichrysum oil

This essential oil is mainly used on the skin, pure or diluted in vegetable oil. More rarely, it can also be taken orally (on medical advice).

It is not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women. Pure, it is not recommended for children under six and babies. It should also be avoided in cases of heavy menstrual bleeding or when taking anti-coagulant medication.

Combining anti-hematoma essential oils

There are other essential and plant oils to use in synergy with helichrysum, in the event of a hematoma: it all depends on whether it's recent or extensive, and whether or not it's accompanied by bumps or bruises.

  • If the bruise is recent and small, mix two drops of Italian helichrysum essential oil with two drops of laurel essential oil, which is pain-relieving and anti-haematoma. Apply to the affected area three times a day.
  • If the hematoma is larger, use this formula diluted in arnica oily macerate (3 to 4 drops of the synergy in a teaspoon of macerate). Arnica is a plant well known to parents for its ability to soothe bumps and bruises.

Also apply three to four times a day until the bruising subsides.

Oils to relieve a lump

In the event of a fall or accident, if the hematoma is accompanied by pain and a lump forms, the following synergy can be applied:

Une formule anti-bleus à appliquer immédiatement après le choc sur la zone touchée. On peut le laisser agir sous une compresse et ajouter une poche de glace pour diminuer la bosse. A appliquer trois fois par jour jusqu’à atténuation de l’hématome.

This synergy is prohibited for pregnant and breast-feeding women and children under six. It is not recommended for the elderly. Peppermint essential oil is dangerous if it penetrates the eye: avoid in case of hematoma near the eye.

An anti-blueberry formula for children

It is not recommended to use pure Italian Helichrysum essential oil on children under the age of six. It can, however, be used diluted in another vegetable oil from the age of 3.

In the event of a bruise with the appearance of a bump, dilute one drop of Italian helichrysum essential oil in a teaspoon of arnica oily macerate and apply to the affected area. If the bruise is accompanied by slight scratches, use calendula oily macerate instead, with its soothing and healing properties, and apply in the same way. Repeat up to three times a day until the hematoma subsides.

Calendula oily macerate is photosensitizing: children should not be exposed to the sun after applying the oil.

Walking child

An anti-blueberry formula for children

It is not recommended to use pure Italian Helichrysum essential oil on children under the age of six. It can, however, be used diluted in another vegetable oil from the age of 3.

In the event of a bruise with the appearance of a bump, dilute one drop of Italian helichrysum essential oil in a teaspoon of arnica oily macerate and apply to the affected area. If the bruise is accompanied by slight scratches, use calendula oily macerate instead, with its soothing and healing properties, and apply using the same procedure. Repeat up to three times a day until the hematoma subsides.

Calendula oily macerate is photosensitizing: children should not be exposed to the sun after applying the oil.


The essential oil of Italian helichrysum is an invaluable addition to your first-aid kit for bruises. A hematoma is generally benign and disappears after a few days. However, if you have numerous hematomas or bruises on your body, or if they are located in sensitive areas (near the heart or chest, or the eye), or if your hematoma covers a large surface area, you can apply Italian helichrysum essential oil as an emergency remedy, but consult a doctor without delay.

PS: Muscle pain in athletes, particularly aches and cramps, manifests itself as pain and stiffness in the muscles that have been used, and is linked to micro-lesions of the muscle fibers.

If, despite this, the pain persists, we recommend using heat, massaging with a suitable blend of essential oils and then practicing a gentle sport (walking, cycling).

Demiraj Elana 27 March, 2024
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