Here are some foods that fight depression

According to the "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the USA" (CDC), about 1 in 10 Americans suffer from depression.

Many medications are prescribed to relieve symptoms, but rather than relying on these costly, deadly options, a variety of foods can help control depression.

Most people have seen images of a medicine cabinet filled with pill bottles next to a refrigerator filled with healthy fruits and vegetables. That's right. Fresh food has the ability to heal, both mentally and physically.

Here are the best foods that can help people manage depression


Regardless of the preferred form of cacao, powder or otherwise, it's a smart choice that can boost the right mood. Studies have shown that cocoa not only plays a role in achieving better mental clarity, but that it has substances that trigger well-being in the brain.



This super product has been associated with creating a decrease in feelings of hopelessness, while improving levels of of the memory and theenergy. Consumption of maca is thought to increase energy levels and encourage physical activity, and it may be beneficial for lethargic depression.


This fruit contains melatonin, a hormone that is necessary to regulate sleep levels which are often out of balance when one is in a depressed state. The bananas also have amino acids that are used by the brain to regulate mood.


Vegetables rich in antioxidants

It's no secret that vegetables provide a host of health benefits, and incorporating many of them into diets is wise. However, it has been found that eating vegetables with the highest levels of antioxidants, such as spinach and kale, lead to improved mood.


Omega-3 fatty acids in foods such as nuts can create a more stable mood, while keeping anxiety at bay, which many depressed people experience. Pecan nuts and other types of nuts are rich in these healthy fatty acids, in fact they are a great choice to help regulate mood.


HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 7 August, 2014
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