A breakfast to activate our vitality

During the week, with work or school, mornings are often under pressure. Usually, with an alarm clock that sets us off and a rush that is often too stressful.

In fact, few families sit down to a healthy breakfast in the morning. From then on, the result is unfortunately mediocre, with a coffee gulped down between two phone calls, a bowl of cereal barely chewed so as not to miss the bus and energy wasted in vain. This cliché, fortunately, is not present in all families. Nevertheless, some people sometimes suffer from disorganization which then impacts on the vitality and tone of the day.

Les mensonges des petits-déjeuners des publicités

Many advertisements extol the benefits of eating a "healthy" breakfast before starting the day. This ideal meal often consists of a slice of white bread with butter, jam or spread; this, along with a hot drink, orange juice and sometimes a dairy or fruit. Unfortunately, these ads are misleading because they lead us directly to exhaustion, lack of vitality and sometimes even diabetes.

All the foods that are recommended by the media, or even by erroneous literature, are sugar bombs, and this from the morning on an empty stomach. Upon awakening, the body comes out of a fast of several hours and by bringing it so many sugars - very often refined - big nutritional mistakes are made.


Comment s’alimenter dès les premières heures de la journée ?

The first thing to do when you wake up is to take your time. Are you in a hurry? Get up 5, 10 or even 15 minutes early and enjoy the calmness around you. Waking up under pressure can put the body in a state of stress very quickly, which will certainly condition the whole day. Know that you are the first person who can take care of you, so enjoy these moments and set an example for your family.

Then drink one or two large glasses of water at room temperature. To get the digestive system going, the body only needs invigorated water. For example, coffee on an empty stomach is a daily mistake for thousands of people.

Are you hungry? Forget the "obligations" that impose breakfast as soon as you wake up, listen to your body instead. Learn not to overload your body to sail gently towards frugality. Delaying breakfast is ideal, so if your work allows you to do so, have this first meal of the day a little later. This will allow your body to continue its nightly fasting, which is the most suitable method for regaining tone that is sometimes erased by food.


Mais que doit-on manger concrètement ?

At breakfast, it is preferable to eat unsweetened foods so banish from your cupboards cereals, sweet spreads, jams, white bread as well as fruit juices.

Choose a vegetable juice (or a fruit-vegetable blend) to start the first meal of the day. Next, prepare eggs, salmon, avocado or a slice of ham on whole wheat toast. Fruits can be offered but being rich in sugars, they are not recommended every day.

Obviously, when it comes to diet, each person is unique because we all have bodies that function in individual ways. And fortunately. Therefore, for some people, this type of meal will not be suitable. These people will prefer to prepare a bowl of oatmeal with plant milk, protein-rich chia seed pudding, pancakes with Gluten-free flours and no added sugars, etc...

The fruit of success is being able to alternate meals while being open to variety.  When, little by little, you have found the menus that correspond to your needs from a nutritional point of view, you will not have any worries about fatigue or exhaustion.

Vanessa Colant 28 October, 2017
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