Allergic rhinitis: an effective natural solution?

Moducare C, an effective natural solution for hay fever?

Like all allergies, allergic rhinitis results from an overreaction of the immune system to a foreign substance (allergen) to which the person has become sensitive. Depending on the person, it could be plant pollen, mold, animal hair (cats, dogs, horses) or other particles. When these different allergens come into contact with the eyes or airways of the allergic person, the immune system reacts by producing inflammatory substances. This reaction leads to the dilation of blood vessels and the increase in secretions associated with the appearance of allergic rhinitis symptoms.

Allergic rhinitis is characterized by repeated sneezing, "runny nose", tickling in the nose, watery eyes and irritation. Allergic rhinitis often appears between the ages of 5 and 20 and affects about one in five French people. Increased greenhouse gas emissions, which increase pollen production in plants and trees, also increase the severity of symptoms. It is very important to treat this disease at an early age in order to prevent the immune system from going haywire and causing an even more serious disease: asthma.

There are 2 types of allergic rhinitis: seasonal for outdoors, year-round for indoors.

  • Seasonal pollen rhinitis or "hay fever" is triggered every year at the same time as the arrival of pollens (trees, grass and wild grasses).
  • Chronic "perennial" allergic rhinitis that lasts all year and is often associated with asthma. The factors responsible are generally dust mites (house dust), animal hair (cats, dogs, horses) and molds.

The natural treatment of allergic rhinitis: the MODUCARE C
The various natural treatments, such as homeopathy, are unfortunately not very effective in the treatment of allergic rhinitis but there is an alternative of choice: the Moducare C.

It is a completely natural, patented product, composed of plant phytosterols that have a powerful immunomodulatory activity that allows both to stimulate desirable immunity (the defense of our body) while decreasing the undesirable immunity found in allergies or autoimmune diseases.

Clinical studies conducted with Moducare in allergic rhinitis show spectacular results:

  • 58% of allergy sufferers feel less tired when they get up.
  • 74% of allergy sufferers are less irritable.
  • 75% of allergy sufferers have less sneezing.
  • 76% of allergy sufferers reduce their use of nose drops.
  • 100% of allergy sufferers have less runny nose.
  • 88% of allergy sufferers have less nasal obstruction.

Moducare C (bottle of 90 capsules) is taken at a rate of 3 capsules per day (morning, noon, evening) but imperatively at a distance from meals: either 30 minutes before or 1 hour and a half after a meal. The product has absolutely no side effects and can be given to children as young as five years old at a dose of three capsules per day.

Ideally, it is best to start treatment just before the start of the pollen season (April) and continue throughout the season (usually until August).

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 20 February, 2014
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