Some anti-aging tips on houseplants

We generally spend more than 15 hours a day indoors either at home or at work. Breathing clean air and drinking clean water (I'll be back soon with a complete article on water) are 2 fundamental anti-aging reflexes.

We can't do much about the outdoor air we breathe (except to change our living environment if we live in a too polluted place); however, we can considerably improve the air we breathe at home in our interiors.

A fundamental point is the percentage of negative ions in the air we breathe; there are special air filters that make negative ions, which are good for our health. (I'll come back to this because I'm testing them and I'll be sure to keep you informed).

On this subject, the higher you live, the less negative ions there will be, so always favour life "on earth" and not in the air.

Here some simple tips to improve your air at home while de-polluting as much as possible :

  1. Of course, AERATE your apartment or house at least 1 time per day for 20 to 30 minutes (preferably in the morning) in the summer and at least 15 minutes in the winter.
  2. Choose indoor plants that depollute!!
    Here's a list that Daniel Gramme recommends in his excellent book "Centennial? Why not!"; he describes the research conducted by NASA with tests of depollution by plants; the results were spectacular; the sources of pollution are so numerous and we can not always avoid them (carpets, wall paints, new furniture, upholstery, shampoos, deodorants, smoke etc..); an example: ivy is able to eliminate in 24 hours 90% of benzene from the atmosphere; aloe eliminates formaldehyde.

On the other hand, plants have been shown to have a beneficial action on blood pressure and emotions.

Here are the essential plants in your home :

  • To remove formaldehyde:
    Aloe vera
    Spider plant (chlorophytum elatum)
  • To remove benzol:
    Climbing ivy or sanseviera (mother-in-law's tongue)
  • To remove trichloroethylene:
    Climbing ivy and sanseviera
  • To remove CO2:
    Spider plant and climbing arum
HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 24 February, 2014
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