September is here: My gentle resolutions...

At the end of August, we hope that you had a nice vacation and rest but especially that you were able to release the tension, pressure and stress for a few days or weeks before the start of a new cycle: September.

Indeed, the beginning of September is often perceived as the beginning of a new cycle and this, mainly, by the beginning of the school year. Some parents - or even non-parents - then equate this 9thmonth of the year with a month of novelty. Often, as in the New Year, some people plan new life goals or new good resolutions. And you, do you have any planned?

Today we're sharing some gentle resolution ideas that may help you move forward in this new period:

- I take the time to breathe. Our society conditions us to a standard of living that makes us forget to breathe deeply with our belly. This breathing, however innate, that of our birth, is forgotten in favor of a high, thoracic breathing, which increases our intolerance to stress.

This year, I'm making it a goal to take time out of my day to breathe properly but most importantly, consciously.

- Water will be my main drink. We often drink exciting, carbonated or sweetened beverages on a daily basis: soda, coffee, tea, alcohol. Obviously, these drinks are not good for our health because they dehydrate us and prevent us from draining our body properly.

This year, I'm making a goal of drinking 1 liter of water a day and if I know, 1.5 liters.

- I'm going back to sports. As with every new cycle, we sign up for a gym membership and usually for a year, hoping that this financial cost will motivate us to practice a sport activity. Unfortunately, few people respect this commitment to themselves and the money invested often goes up in smoke. Therefore, we advise you to choose a sport activity that really appeals to you and to participate in a few sessions before embarking on a full membership. In any case, it is better to do a little sport in the long term than too much intensive sport in a short period of time.

This year, I'm making it a goal to play a sport that really meets my needs and sticking with it for the long haul.

- I eat healthy. What does this mean? Should I become a vegetarian? Should I avoid gluten, milk or all sugars in my diet? Should I eat without salt? Do I have to follow the paleo diet? Cetogen ? Fodmaps ? What are the standards for healthy eating?

To eat healthy and do good to your body, it is above all to consider unprocessed food as a source of good nutrients but it is also to consider that balance is the key to a healthy diet. Indeed, it is by eating everything, without quantitative excess that we succeed in regulating our metabolism.

This year, I am making it my goal to eat healthy without abuse or excess while respecting my personal balance.

- A very important resolution and not the least:

This year, I am making a goal and resolution to not be too strict with myself and to allow myself to be wrong, to allow myself to be tired, to allow myself to be perfect in my everyday imperfections.

Of course, resolutions can vary from one person to another because we are all different with different needs. While some will want to develop psycho-emotional well-being, others will be in search of physical and metabolic balance instead. The key to success in positive change is balance and listening to oneself, one's body, emotions and feelings.

Vanessa Colant 28 August, 2018
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September's fruits and vegetables