For your health, chew thoroughly!

Most of the population does not take time for anything anymore and especially not for taking care of oneself: living consciously, breathing deeply, resting calmly and especially eating in better conditions. Meals are swallowed very quickly and sometimes even gobbled up, on the go during a very short lunch break, while running from one place to another with a phone or a tablet in one hand. It is not uncommon to see students gulping down sandwiches as they walk, without really being aware of what they are swallowing or how they are swallowing it.
Chewing is a very important action that we seem to forget and most importantly, that we do not practice. Digestion begins not in the stomach but in the mouth thanks to the digestive enzymes in saliva, amylases and lipases responsible for oral predigestion. The food must be properly insalivated to do the job properly and to facilitate the stomach's work. Contrary to our mouth, the stomach does not have teeth to grind then the food must arrive to him in the form of a predigested liquid mush.
In addition to the benefit of starting the digestion, the mastication plays a capital role in the feeling of satiety. Indeed, the longer the food is kept in the mouth and ground, the more the salivary enzymes work and the more effectively the feeling of satiety is felt. Hence the interest in eating crunchy and raw foods such as raw vegetables. In order to lose weight, chewing will have a very positive effect.
Foods can be perfect in terms of nutrition and energy but if they are not chewed properly, they will lose all their interest. Take the example of a cereal, it must be chewed and crunched until the grain is completely burst. Without the release of the seed, the nutrients will not be assimilated and ejected as is.


But how to chew?

First of all, a meal should be eaten at the table, seated and in a calm environment. Leave aside television, radio, books and Smartphone, just eat. Enjoy your plate, admire the colors, smell the smells and let yourself be carried away by the magic of your meal. This step is very important for the salivary glands to start working. From then on, the first few bites can be chewed more or less twenty times, until the food is reduced to a liquid mush. You will notice some tastes and flavors that you did not even imagine: a piece of sourdough spelt bread may develop the sweetness of a cake after a long chewing. The taste buds are set in motion for your greatest discovery.
The education of chewing is to be taught very young to children because this forgotten technique will bring them many benefits including the formation of the jaw. By chewing properly, they will strengthen their jaws and avoid many orthodontic problems later on. In addition, saliva has antibacterial properties that regulate the PH of the mouth and thus fight against dental caries. Let us also note another positive effect which is none other than the fortification of the gums and that, with any age.
When one chews well, it is 50 percent of the digestion which is done then do not skimp any more on this aspect of your meal: take time and appreciate the visible results quickly.

Vanessa Colant 25 March, 2016
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