Omega 3: why it is good for your health

The Western diet is dominated today by the presence of omega 6 fatty acids which promote inflammation. Present in many vegetable oils, they are known to be responsible for heart and brain disorders. On the other hand, omega 3 fatty acids, found in olive oil, fish, flaxseed... reduce inflammation, stimulate cognitive functions and sometimes even compensate for the harmful effects of omega 6.  Discover the benefits of omega 3 in detail and where to find them precisely!

Anthropological studies reveal that our hunter-gatherer ancestors consumed omega 6 and omega 3 fats in a 50/50 ratio. Today, we take in astronomical amounts of omega 6, ten to twenty-five times that of our ancestors

Dr David Perlmutter*

Le DHA, L'acide docosahexaénoïque, un oméga 3 bon pour le cerveau

Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA Is a most studied brain protector. It is an omega 3 fatty acid accounting for more than 90% of the omega 3 in the brain. Nearly 50% of a neuron's membrane weight is composed of DHA. It is also an important component of the heart cell

The greatest source of DHA is breast milk. This is because of the increased needs of the infant's still maturing brain 

Furthermore, it was noticed that elderly people with low LDL cholesterol levels were more prone to develop cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease or accelerated degeneration of cognitive functions: decreased memory, learning ability, concentration, attention...

Les propriétés anti-inflammatoires des oméga 3

It is now recognized that omega 3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties. They are therefore recommended as a first-line treatment for chronic inflammatory diseases.  

In this case, it is more advisable to choose omega 3 EPA or eicosapentaenoic acid which are synthesized from omega 3 ALA. EPA has this ability to convert to E3 prostaglandins (PGE3) whose effects calm inflammatory disorders

Les oméga 3 EPA contre la dépression

Scientific studies have shown thatEPA has beneficial effects in depression and mood disorders. When you want to supplement with omega 3 as part of depression support, make sure the EPA/DHA ratio is in favor of EPA. 

The anti-inflammatory effects of eicosapentaenoic acid help to "feed" brain cells and participate in proper neuronal responsiveness.

Les oméga 3 contre le cancer

The omega 3 fatty acid DHA is of interest to INSERM researchers who see it as having carcinogenic-protective potential. Indeed, in an article published on the INSERM website, it is written that Omega 3 fatty acids had the capacity to limit the risk and evolution of colorectal cancers, this thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of the essential fatty acids. **

Les oméga 3 pour une bonne vue

The ocular health is not in remainder. Indeed, the omega 3 DHA participate in the good flexibility of the cell membrane. The cellslules of the retina are nourished thus improving the quality of vision. Khaoula Ramchani Ben Otman's team, as part of her thesis at INSERM, conducted an evaluation of over-the-counter dietary supplements on rats and concluded that supplementation with antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids "effectively protects the retina of rats against degeneration "***.

Où trouver les différents oméga 3 ?

Omega 3 are essential fatty acids. "Essential" because they can only come from the outside, namely our food (or even supplementation) and they are essential for the proper functioning of your body.  

We find omega 3 in :

  • oilseeds.

  • flax seeds.

  • chia seeds.

  • olive oil, hemp oil, flax oil, hazelnut oil, rapeseed oil.

Did you know? According to the French Agency for Food Safety (AFSSA), to have the required daily dose, you should consume 2g per day, or 6 beautiful nuts. 


*The intestine to the rescue of our brain, Dr David Perlmutter, published by Marabout



Alexia Bernard 4 October, 2021
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