Diabetes symptoms: how to detect them early

Knowing how to detect diabetes in time allows for better treatment. But the problem is that the first symptoms of this disease are hardly noticeable. This is especially true for type 2 diabetes. The latter is usually ignored or linked to specific health problems. Therefore, in addition to regular blood tests, it is important to recognize the early symptoms of diabetes. Indeed, untreated diabetes can lead to significant complications: heart problems, kidney disease, vision problems, diabetic coma, diabetic foot, etc.

Les symptômes du diabète

Très soif et besoin d’uriner fréquemment 

The buildup of glucose in the blood forces the kidneys to work harder to filter it out and eliminate it with urine, so it increases the frequency and desire to urinate. And this involves the need to replenish fluids and thus thirst.

Perte de poids sans cause apparente

It is most evident in the type 1 diabetes and is usually accompanied by a feeling of hunger.


L’augmentation de la présence de glucose dans le sang résulte d’une insuffisance de la production d’insuline. Ce qui fait que le sucre pénètre dans les cellules et se transforme en énergie nécessaire au bon fonctionnement de l’organisme. Si pas assez d’énergie est produite, la fatigue apparaît. Cependant, cela peut aussi être dû à d’autres facteurs généralement associés au diabète : l’obésité, l’hypertension or the dehydration.  

Vision floue

Too much glucose in the blood leads to increased loss of body fluids, including those that keep the lens moist. This reduces the eye's ability to focus (dry eye). If left unchecked, the blood vessels that supply the retina can be damaged. This results in diabetic retinopathy and even blindness.  

Infections fréquentes

Although the cause is not precisely known, the truth is that diabetes reduces the body's ability to eliminate pathogens. This favors the appearance of infections. It is common, for example, to observe the appearance of gingivitis or periodontitis (redness and inflammation of the gums). 

Engourdissement ou sensation de picotement dans les pieds

This may be the beginning of diabetic neuropathy, a common complication of diabetes because of the damage that excess glucose can cause to nerve endings.

Vous devez faire attention à tous ces symptômes précurseurs du diabète et consulter un médecin dès l’apparitions des premiers symptômes. Cela vous permet d’effectuer une analyse confirmant ou infirmant l’existence d’un et, si nécessaire, de définir le traitement le plus approprié pour le contrôler.

Les symptômes du diabète

The main symptoms of diabetes are usually:

  • Intense thirst,

  • Increased urinary frequency,

  • An abnormal increase in the desire to eat,

  • Weight loss for no apparent reason, which can occur at any age. 

However, type 1 diabetes usually occurs mainly during childhood and adolescence. Whereas type 2 diabetes is more related to excess weight and poor eating habits, appearing mainly after age 35. 

So, when these symptoms are present, and even more so when there is a family history of diabetes, it is recommended that you go to an endocrinologist to be evaluated. Take the fasting blood glucose test to check the amount of sugar in your blood. If you have pre-diabetes or diabetes, treatment should be started as soon as possible. This treatment helps to regulate blood sugar levels and avoid long-term complications. 

Signes et symptômes du diabète de type 2

The first signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes Are more common in overweight people. 

To find out if you may have type 2 diabetes, check the following diabetes symptoms:

1. Exaggerated desire to drink water

2. constantly dry mouth

3. frequent urination

4. frequent fatigue

5. 5. Vision disorder

6. Wounds that take time to heal

7. tingling sensation in hands or feet

8. Frequent infections such as candidiasis or urinary tract infections

If these symptoms are present, it is important to consult a physician to confirm the diagnosis and initiate the appropriate treatment.

Type 2 diabetes is related to insulin resistance. In this condition, this hormone does not effectively transport glucose molecules in the bloodstream into the cells. Treatment for this type of diabetes can be done with the use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents.

Regular physical activity and a balanced diet will also help. 

Signes et symptômes du diabète de type 1

Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in childhood. But in some people, symptoms can occur in early adulthood and are very rare after age 30. 

To find out if a child, teen or young adult may have type 1 diabetes, check the signs below:

1. Frequent urination, including getting up at night to go to the bathroom

2. Exaggerated desire to drink water

3. Excessive hunger

4. Weight loss for no apparent reason

5. Frequent fatigue

6. Unwarranted sleepiness

7. Itching all over the body

8. Frequent infections such as candidiasis or urinary tract infections

9. Irritability and sudden mood swings

In addition, the child and adolescent may also experience other symptoms such as dizziness, tremors, cold sweats, and apathy when the blood glucose level is very high.

Living with a chronic disease such as diabetes, which has no cure, is not easy. Some individuals may adopt certain positive attitudes to better coexist with the disease, such as:

Face the problem and learn more about the disease and how they can deal with it; Find balance and well-being amidst the new changes the disease will bring to your life; Regain control of your life.



Marie Dupont 29 July, 2019
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