The benefits of walking

Walking, whether slow, dynamic with or without poles, is a physical activity that is suitable for all ages, all body types and all physical conditions. It is therefore perfect for (re)starting sport and taking care of your health. What are the health benefits of daily walking? We tell you everything!

Marcher 10 000 pas par jour

To really feel benefits, the WHO (World Health Organization) recommends taking at least 10,000 steps per day. Taking into account all your movements, you would only be missing 3000 steps out of those famous 10,000. 3000 steps is the equivalent of about 30 minutes of walking which can, of course, be split up. It's doable, isn't it?

To Know: Smartphone apps calculate the number of steps taken in a day. It can be interesting and fun to see if you reach the 10,000 daily steps mark! 

Intégrer la marche dans son quotidien

To wait the quota of 10,000 steps per day, many tricks can be implemented: take the stairs instead of elevators and escalators, stop a subway/bus/tram station earlier, do your small errands on foot, etc...

Certainly, this requires a readjustment inthe organization of your day already overloaded but your health, vitality, mood will be greatly improved.

Faire de la marche son activité sportive

If you want to get started, regularly or even almost daily and this, at least 20 minutes per day, it is advisable to choose good shoes adapted to the a morphology of your foot. The ideal being to go and see a podiatrist who will be able to assess whether you need insoles or specific shoes because, indeed, a bad positioning at the feet level will have repercussions on your whole skeleton, which can lead to knee pain, at the lumbar, back, cervical level or even headaches!

Tip: The walk Is practiced by standing upright and looking away (not at your feet). 

Les bienfaits physiologiques de la marche

Here we are at the heart of the matter: the benefits of walking. Walking is a physical activity that mobilizes all systems:

  • cardio-vascular: reduces hypertension, varicose veins, 

  • muscle: work on the heart (which is a muscle, let's not forget!) , strengthening of leg muscles, abdominal strap, back,

  • lymphatic: facilitates the "detox" process,

  • osteoarticular: strengthens the ankles, prevents arthritic pain, develops balance sensors, walking in the sand is excellent for working the ankles,

  • digestive and metabolic: a daily 45-minute walk would help prevent type 2 diabetes, activate intestinal peristalsis,

  • respiratory: oxygenation, endurance,

  • weight loss : walking is a physical activity that mobilizes all resources.

Les bienfaits psychologiques de la marche

When you engage in physical activity, your body secretes hormones including endorphin and serotonin which are known to be, respectively, the reward hormone and thegood mood hormone. Thus, walking activates complex neural processes that directly affect your mood. 

When you walk, being fully in motion leads the mind to an inwardness that allows you to shift into a dynamic of creativity and action. The ideas are clearer, the projects are taking shape.

When you decide to leave your car and take the time to make your trips on foot, you allow yourself to discover unsuspected places in your own neighborhood or village: a small store, a field, a park, etc... Walking is therefore a way to rediscover your surroundings.

Marcher pieds nus

Whenever you can, walking barefoot is great forbalance, for developing ground sensations, for truly connecting to the earth. The sole is like an insulator that cuts you off from the negative ions present in the ground. Positive ions are electrical molecules from air pollution, electromagnetic pollution and have a role in many ailments such as fatigue, sleep problems, asthma, general malaise etc... Negative ions therefore have the effect of countering the effects of positive ions. 

Summer brings its share of good resolutionsincluding taking care of your health. The colorful stalls of summer markets are good sources of motivation to take care of your health. So, why not take advantage of this momentum to start walking?

Alexia Bernard 2 July, 2019
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