Clay, the remedy for all

There are different types of pain that exist, and how to treat it depending on its profile. 

However, among the solutions we have offered you, we forgot to mention a pain reliever remedy that has not aged a bit: clay. Clay has been shown to work wonders, whether for children, adults, or the elderly, from head to toe! 

Le remède de grand-mère que l’on devrait tous adopter

For a while, there was a lot of talk about argil e purely for its cosmetic virtues and that’s a shame. 

Fortunately, in recent years, clay has started to be talked about again as a universal remedy . The doctor and naturopath Jade Allègre has greatly contributed to this. She, who raised her child with a clay bottle at the age of three days, knows how this powder, so soft and so fine, contains a wealth of benefits. A summary of his medical thesis is available on his website and we recommend that you all read it. The full version is available for free access on the site. .

You will learn how the different clays ( smectite , kaolinite , beidellite , attapulgite b>) make it possible to tackle many health issues. Whether it is cholera, newborn reflux, burns, various infections, poisoning, inflammatory diseases, parasitoses, ... Thank you, Madame Allègre for having scientifically demonstrated all the properties of this incredible remedy!

Quelle argile pour quoi faire ?

It is when you are in pain that clay is most effective.

There are generally four main families of clays, but two should retain your attention for external painkiller use:

  •  LMontmorillonite green clay : it is rich in minerals and silica, very versatile. It has a remineralizing and detoxifying action. It contains a strong adsorbing power among all the other clay families. This allows it to attach molecules, substances, toxins, toxins and even bacteria to its surface. It can be used both internally and externally.

  • Illite green clay : elle est traditionnellement utilisée en cataplasmes (bouillie médicinale que l'on applique, entre deux linges, sur une partie du corps.)  pour favoriser la régénération de la peau, le confort, la souplesse, la décontraction ainsi que sur les œdèmes.

The other types of clay (pink, white, red, etc ...) will be your preference for other uses such as skin care for example.  

By combining anti-inflammatory , antiseptic and draining virtues, green clay applied to the painful area under poultice form is an effective and inexpensive natural remedy . It would be a shame to go without when it comes to relieving joint pain , sprains, strains, tendonitis, muscle stiffness, muscle fatigue, or back pain. 

The clay will help speed up wound healing , fight pathogens, and remineralize. It is both antiseptic and healing, softening , anti-inflammatory , and analgesic (it reduces pain). On top of that, it has exceptional detoxifying power . It’s a real health treasure!


Bien réaliser son cataplasme d’argile

First of all, to make the adequate poultice I advise you to opt for a crushed green clay in order to be able to give it the right consistency, quite thick. The one in tube, ready to use, is often less rich in clay than a paste that one makes oneself.

Rather, you can use it in an emergency. To make your poultice , all you need to do is:

  • Provide an earthenware or glass container (never metal with the clay, because the ion exchanges that take place in contact with it reduce its effectiveness).

  • Pour in the desired amount of clay

  • Cover with water and wait two hours for the clay to disintegrate on contact with the water.

  • You can then mix with a spatula or a wooden spoon until you get a thick paste.

  • Once this is done, place the clay on a cloth or a gas strip, or even more traditionally a cabbage leaf. 

  • Yes, a cabbage leaf! This keeps the humidity of the clay well and would enhance its effectiveness (conditional).

  • Apply the poultice to the skin and wrap it in a bandage to hold it in place. 

  • The thicker the poultice, the longer you will experience the effect of the clay. 

  • You can keep it from 15 minutes to two hours, but be careful that the clay does not dry out.

Once dry, you will need to remove it with water.

If necessary, if you find that your poultice dries too quickly, moisten it a little with a damp glove for example. Once the treatment is complete, discard the used clay, do not reuse it!

You can repeat the operation for several days in a row, but if your pain does not improve, see your doctor. 

Chaud ou froid ?

The temperature of the poultice is very important. For cold pains such as back pain or sore muscles, it is better to have a warm poultice . You can, to do so, heat your clay paste in a bain-marie. 

For hot pain of the inflammatory type (gout, strain, shock ...) you will prefer a cold poultice. You can strengthen the numbing effect of the cold by adding to your clay a few drops of peppermint essential oil.

For pain affecting the liver, kidneys, bladder, or stomach, a poultice should be applied at room temperature so as not to interfere with their functioning. I was quoting you mint essential oil  for an ice-cube effect, but don't forget that you can add any essential oil to your clay poultice that might suit your problem.

Some examples to help you choose: Italian helichrysum for bruises, wintergreen for inflammations, clove for severe pain ...

Delaporte Marine 3 January, 2022
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