Autumn Detox: cure idea

The arrival of autumn is the perfect time to start a detox. A true transition period, it allows you to prepare yourself gently for winter. Why is fall detox a good idea and what are the keys to getting started? We explain it all to you!

Why a detox? 

Our diet, our habits and our lifestyle are often anarchic and we have to admit that they intoxicate our body and overload our emunctory organs (kidneys, lungs, liver, skin and intestines). 

Our diet is often acidifying and our consumption of animal proteins is too high, which results in the creation of toxins in our intestine, which is, as a reminder, the gateway to our body. 

As a result, we find ourselves unbalanced, tired, irritable, depressed, with a dull complexion, brittle hair and nails, as well as a lowered immunity (diseases, infections, etc.).

Detox aims to rebalance the intestinal ecosystem, regain our vital energy and, icing on the cake, it improves our mood and appearance!

Where do these toxins come from? 

Toxins have two origins. The first is internal. These are the waste produced by our body for its functioning. The second one depends on external factors such as our food, pollution, tobacco, alcohol, additives, pesticides, drugs, ...

On a daily basis, it is already possible tolimit the overload of the emunctory organs by favoring raw vegetable oils, whole grains such as spelt, brown rice, buckwheat and quinoa, goat's and sheep's milk, plant milks, oilseeds, honey and maple syrup, fresh seasonal (or frozen) fruits and vegetables, white meat, fish and vegetable proteins. 

Avoid or at least limit the consumption of animal proteins, saturated fats, processed industrial products, white flours, foods with a high glycemic index, alcohol, coffee, black tea, chocolate and dairy products.

Sports also help to eliminate toxins and unclog the emunctory organs. It improves the quality of sleep, digestion and mood, but very often, it is not enough, that is why, at the change of season that are autumn and spring, it is recommended to make a small detox cure.

Autumn detox: how to do it? 

First of all, it is important to choose the right moment. Avoid scheduling it during a busy week. Instead, opt for a long weekend, a week's vacation or a week where you have less stress and more free time. Indeed, in addition to the food side, you will take advantage of this detox to take a break in the race against time and rest, walk around, ... And of course, keep away from you tablets, smartphones and computers, ...

  • On the first day, start your day with the juice of half a lemon in a cup of hot water, which has the effect of boosting your liver. Then have a breakfast consisting of half a mashed banana mixed with two spoons of rapeseed oil, three pieces of seasonal fruit and a spoonful of crushed oilseeds (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, ...). You can also eat a gluten-free flower bread with a little almond puree. 
  • At noon, start with raw vegetables or a vegetable juice. Then eat fish or poultry with cooked vegetables and a spoonful of olive or nut oil.
  • For the evening meal, prepare cooked vegetables with two tablespoons of whole grains accompanied by a portion of vegetable protein and a spoonful of olive or nut oil. 
  • If needed, you can consume cooked or raw fruit with a tea as a snack during the day.
  • In the evening, before going to bed, take an herbal tea. 

Throughout the day, remember to stay hydrated because during a detox, it is recommended to drink at least two liters of water per day.

  • On the second and third day, practice what is called the monodiet. To boost your detox, eat only vegetables, fruit, homemade vegetable soup (without cream or potatoes), sugar-free fruit compote and raw vegetable juices as soon as you feel hungry. 

Don't forget to stay hydrated by drinking two liters of water or unsweetened tea. 

  • On day four, your day should be similar to the first day of detox. 

Fall Detox: possible side effects

During your detox week, you may experience some side effects, not always pleasant but not serious. You may experience hunger, headaches, joint pain, skin rashes, nausea or low energy. Normally, a return to normal is expected around the fourth day. 

Autonomous detox: what about sport?

During the detox, avoid too intense physical activities and prefer walking, cycling, gentle jogging or yoga, the ideal being to sweat a little to help eliminate toxins. If you have the opportunity, take a sauna or steam room.

After the detox

Once your detox is over, resume a classic diet by limiting fats, foods with a high glycemic index, alcohol, tobacco, sugary drinks, processed foods, refined products and by limiting the quantity of starchy foods. 

However, keep up with regular physical activity and adequate hydration (minimum 1.5 liters of water per day).

You are now ready to start a week of detox!

Sarah Garny 7 October, 2019
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