7 hydrolats for your children.


The use of essential oils is delicate and strongly limited in children. Fortunately, hydrolats can take over and act on both physical and emotional problems without any contraindication! Discover 7 hydrolats that can accompany them from birth to adolescence...

 "The manufacturing process of a hydrolat is similar to that of an essential oil. First, the plant or flower is mixed with water and heated and the water vapor, containing aromatic molecules, is then recovered in another container. After cooling, the vapor becomes liquid and separates into two parts: an aqueous part and an oily part. The oily part of the liquid is separated and transformed into essential oil. The remaining water, now slightly aqueous, contains aromatic particles and it is this mixture that is called "hydrolat". 

Cornflower hydrolate to take care of baby's eyes

Votre enfant souffre de conjonctivite, d'orgelet, d'eczéma sur le pourtour de l'oeil, l'hydrolat de bleuet peut être appliquée délicatement sur un coton en tissus ou directement vaporisé sur le visage puis épongé.

Cornflower water relieves eye ailments and calms irritations. It can be used every day morning and evening without any contraindications. In acute cases, it is possible to apply several times a day until the symptoms improve with the agreement of your doctor. 

Rose hydrosol to soothe your child

L'hydrolat de rose The rose hydrosol sprayed on your child's pillow will bring calm and comfort. The rose is that flower that bears thorns to protect itself from predators but has a bewitching smell to attract pollinators. In symbolism, rosewater is for children who demand attention but at the same time seek their autonomy. They are in this delicate in-between position that requires them to constantly readjust between their desires and their needs. 

The rose hydrosol reassures, sets a framework and comforts.

Roman chamomile hydrolate to find sleep and relieve teething troubles

Chamomile is the flower of children. It calms the excited temperaments and relieves the inflammations. 1 teaspoon in a bottle of water or directly in a glass will help your child to find sleep and relieve him during teething. 

The chamomile hydrolate is for those children who ask for the arms to fall asleep, who need the presence of their parent, a reassuring and benevolent content. 

True lavender hydrosol for a soothing atmosphere

The lavender, the indestructible. It is the ultimate remedy for refocusing children. Diluted in the bath, sprayed in the room or directly on the pillow, it brings a particular olfactory atmosphere. You either love it or you hate it! Be sure to associate this scent with a quiet moment. Your child's brain will then be programmed to calm down as soon as he smells that scent. This programming needs to be repeated several times to be really effective. Be patient!

St. John's wort hydrosol to relieve burns

Sunburns and small burns will be relieved thanks to St. John's wort hydrosol. A real little sunshine in a bottle, this St John's Day herb soothes burns and promotes healing. Be careful though because it is photosensitizing! To be sprayed directly on the affected area preferably in the evening. 

Peppermint hydrolate to refresh your mind

In summer, peppermint hydrosol has a cooling and toning action. 1 teaspoon in a skin of water pleasantly flavors the water while providing a feeling of freshness. 

Peppermint hydrolate can also be used as a micellar water to clean the face in the morning. It will have an invigorating action and will leave a pleasant mentholated odor. 

On the emotional sphere, peppermint allows to refresh and to put in order the ideas. During exam or evaluation periods, it can support concentration and refocus your child.

Rosemary hydrosol, the floral water for teenagers and acne-prone skin

For teenagers who are starting to have acne, rosemary hydrosol applied as a spray on the skin and gently blotted will cleanse their skin and regulate sebum secretion. In addition, 1 teaspoon per day in a skin of water will help their liver to work properly (filtration and blood purification). Indeed, in naturopathy, acne problems are considered to be the result of a tired liver, which is taken over by the skin emunctory. Thus, the toxins, instead of being evacuated by the intestines, pass through the skin ... this is the appearance of buttons. 

Rosemary hydrosol taken internally boosts liver activity and applied externally, it cleanses the skin. The rosemary hydrolate is without question the hydrolate for teenagers.

Serine Akar 6 July, 2020
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