Losing weight by taking Vitamin D: is it possible?

When it comes to weight gain, we're not all equal! Age, gender and genetic factors may seem obvious, but they're not the only ones... Micronutrient deficiencies such as vitamin D deficiency lead to weight gain. Here's how to drop the pounds effortlessly by increasing your vitamin D supplementation while satisfying our needs.

For years, the mathematical equation offered to those trying to lose weight seemed simple enough: burn more calories than you consume. Piece of cake, right? Unfortunately, as with almost everything to do with the human body, it's not quite as simple as that. Over the years, evidence from several scientists has emerged - confirming what many of us have suspected - that weight gain and weight loss are affected by many factors. Among them: genetics, gender, age, hormones, stress levels, exposure to toxins and numerous health problems. Even social and environmental factors and vitamin D deficiency can come into play.

Vitamin D deficiency leads to weight gain!

Vitamin deficiencies are very harmful to the human body. Some of the most recent studies on weight gain have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and weight. link between vitamin D deficiency and weight. A study published by theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) found that women whose levels of vitamin D achieved optimal blood levels through supplementation while dieting and exercising lost more weight than those whose vitamin D levels were not optimal.
Another study, also published by AJCN , showed that there were other effects associated with weight loss.other effects associated with weight lossThese included lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar and insulin levels, and lower blood lipid levels. Effects that increased in participants who took calcium and vitamin D during their weight loss program. Yet another study, published in the journal SCIENCE, showed that people of Asian or Indian origin were much more prone to obesity and insulin resistance when they were deficient in vitamin D.

Understanding the link between vitamin D and weight loss

Some scientists speculate that vitamin D receptors on fat cells may intervene to tell the cells whether they should be burned for energy or stored as excess weight. Receptor cells in the brain that control metabolic and hunger levels may need vitamin D to function properly.

Vitamin D has also been shown to systemic inflammation associated with overweight.

So, the level of vitamin d in the body is important in a diet. Even if you can't lose as much weight as you'd like, having adequate levels of vitamin d reduces the stress on your body and, consequently, the harmful effects of being overweight. That's why it's always a good idea to eat foods rich in vitamin D.

Other factors in vitamin D deficiency

In addition to weight gain, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to many other illnessessome of which can also lead to excess weight gain. They can be linked to depression, fatigue and apathy, and depression can lead to inactivity, which in turn can contribute to weight gain. Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to poor glycemic control in the body. Vitamin D deficiency can contribute to both weight gain and the risk of developing diabetes.

Serious diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and multiple sclerosis (MS) have also been associated with inadequate vitamin D levels, and the resulting inactivity can lead to weight gain which can, in turn, worsen the symptoms of both diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis are sometimes treated with prednisone, a corticosteroid, whose side effects include weight gain. This deficiency also causes bone pain and heart disease. A sufficient dose of vitamin D can prevent the risk of certain cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension.

The best food sources of vitamin D

Vitamin D and weight loss

The nutritional value of certain foods is important for good health. The best dietary sources of vitamin D are fatty fish such as cod, tuna, mackerel and salmon. These are also foods that generate calcium and vitamin D for the body. Milk and eggs also contain vitamin D. Mushrooms, for example, are also a good source of vitamin D if exposed to ultraviolet light. good source of vitamin D.

Although your skin can make vitamin D with sunlight, many factors can slow down this process: the season, the weather, the latitude where you live, pollution levels and even the use of sunscreen. Most people will need to take dietary supplements to reach recommended levels.

Apart from dietary sources, sunlight also produces vitamin D for the body. Every human being needs the sunshine vitamin. However, exposure to the sun must be for 5 to 30 minutes, and about twice a week. But beware of sunburn.

Other weight loss tips

There's no magic pill when it comes to dieting. Even ifadding vitamin D supplements supplements can be a first step towards shedding those extra pounds, don't forget to make other changes to your lifestyle too. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes two or three times a week, for example.

You should also avoid refined sugars and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Replace animal fats in your diet - such as those found in viande red, milk and cheese - along with polyunsaturated oils and those found in olive oil and avocados. But always remember to eat foods rich in various nutrients to avoid vitamin D and other deficiencies.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 16 June, 2014
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