Are citrus fruits good for everyone?

It is often said that citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerines ...) are good sources of vitamin C and are useful for strengthening the immune system, for the skin or for cardiovascular prevention. All of this is true, however not all citrus fruits are equally beneficial for everyone.

Let's check the veracity of the frequent information and data about citrus fruits.


Their richness in nutrients

Rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamin C, citrus fruits are considered powerful antioxidants.

Vitamin C is indeed an antioxidant, but it is especially adaptogenic, that is to say that it restores the adaptive faculties of the body (and particularly of the thyroid gland). Note that if the lemon brings between 55 and 65 mg per 100 g, that the orange brings around 60 mg per 100 g and the clementine approximately 20 mg per 100 g, the kiwi, the parsley or the red bell pepper will bring you 2 to 3 times more...

As far as magnesium is concerned, lemons contain 8 mg, oranges an average of 10 mg and grapefruit 9 mg per 100 g, nothing terrible when you know that 100 g of almonds contains 232 mg, 100 g of pine nuts 227 mg or 100 g of ground ginger 214 mg.

Similarly for potassium, there are 138 mg/100 g for lemons, 181 mg/100 g for oranges and 135 mg/100 g for grapefruits. Once again, citrus fruits are far behind almonds, which contain 705 mg/100 g of potassium, spinach, which contains 662 mg/100 g, and avocados, which contain 650 mg/100 g.


Their low caloric intake

In this field, it seems that lemon is the leader of the "slimming" diets with 34 calories per 100 g. This fruit is therefore very low in energy. It is followed by the grapefruit whose contribution is 36 calories per 100g and the orange brings 46.5 calories/100g. The most energetic citrus fruit seems to be the clementine with 48 calories/100 g, but this is still very low.

Let's remember that in our opinion, weight gain (or volume gain) results rather from an acidic terrain (intoxination: accumulation of cellular waste) or from intoxication (additives, sweeteners, industrial food, heavy metals...).

Let us specify that in this case, it is the lemon which will be the most useful since it contributes to the drainage and the good functioning of the gall bladder. It helps to detoxify the liver and stimulates digestion by collaborating with gastric juices. It promotes the elimination of toxins by opening the emunctory that is the kidneys.

But above all, lemon is a magnificent regulator of the acid-base balance of the body.

Fiber intake

The interest of fibers in the improvement of the intestinal transit, in the fight against constipation and their benefits in the regulation of the cholesterol levels as well as in the phenomenon of property are proved.

But let's set the record straight again: depending on the type of citrus fruit, the fiber content varies from 1.3 g to 2 g per 100 g, while other fruits such as passion fruit have a fiber content of 10.5% of their total mass. As for berries such as currants, blueberries, raspberries or blackcurrants, their fiber content varies from 3.5 to 7.5% of their total weight.


Action on cholesterol levels

In this case, in this family of citrus fruits, grapefruit and pomelo are interesting because they both contain a substance called naringin. Naringin is the main flavonoid. Like all flavonoids, naringin has antioxidant properties. The latter are mainly manifested by a beneficial action on circulating blood lipids by regulating cholesterol levels. This substance also has an action on blood sugar levels, which will delight people with insulin resistance, those who have cravings for sugar or cravings, or people who want to lose some weight.

However, you should know that to obtain such benefits, you should eat at least one grapefruit a day, and two is better!

Caution: ask about grapefruit ingestion if you are on chemical medications. About forty drugs may interfere with these citrus fruits.


From a digestive point of view

According to some dieticians, the clementine is the best tolerated on the digestive level, because it is less acidic and less fibrous, and seems to be lighter and more digestible.


To conclude

Some people should avoid citrus fruits. This is the case for people with a "neuro-arthritic" temperament. They are thin and slender, even angular and thinned people who generally tend to be demineralized due to an acidic terrain. This type of temperament can be aggravated by the frequent consumption of citrus fruits which for them will be acidifying and demineralizing.

If you suffer from burning or gastroesophageal reflux disease, this can be made worse by eating citrus fruits too often. Indeed, in some cases, these fruits irritate the digestive mucosa and increase the burning phenomenon.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 20 March, 2017
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