The disease of the century: 90% of all pathologies have this problem as one of their origins!

Did you know that more than 90% of all pathologies are caused by severely acidified tissues? Do you know why Japanese people have significantly less osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and degenerative diseases (cancer, Alzheimer)? Because they have found the solution to acidosis!

What is acid-base balance?

To live, our body needs daily proteins, lipids, vitamins, carbohydrates, trace elements and minerals.

All of these constituents belong either to the acid family or to the base family. These two families are naturally neutralized within the body, if our diet and lifestyle are correct.

A acido-base balance is when the pH is neither too acidic nor too alkaline. The body maintains its acid-base balance thanks to buffers (oxyhemoglobinate, bicarbonate system, proteinates ...)

When the tissues become acidified, mineral bases are removed from the organic tissues and the skeleton: the body must give up its mineral bases. The alkaline minerals are: calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, manganese...

We can therefore say that a person who has a tendency to acidosis is a demineralized person.

Causes of acidosis: "civilosis" (according to Dr Luc Bodin)


Our diet is too rich in "acidic foods" or "acid-producing" foods. Among them are meat proteins (meat, fish) which provide many acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric, phosphoric, nitric and especially uric acid). Drinks (such as cola, lemonades and other fruit juices that are too rich in added sugars). Cheeses are also acidifying, as are refined grains. Coffee, tea and cocoa are rich in substances called purines, which are responsible for the formation of uric acid, which is very toxic for the tissues. Cigarettes and other smoked substances cause an acid excess in the body. Wheat flour, white sugar, refined fats

2. Stress

Physical, mental overwork, fatigue, anxiety, fear, too much activity inevitably lead to the word STRESS. When stress has lasted too long and becomes chronic, energy capacities are exhausted. The circulating glucose level drops and the cells are no longer properly nourished.

3. Electromagnetic and high frequency pollution.

Our water molecules (nearly 70% of our body) are more or less "broken" under the influence of this pollution, resulting in the release of a proton and therefore an acid. Also living next to a GSM antenna, inexorably acidifies you.

4. On the other hand...

A vicious circle sets in. A mineral deficiency disrupts the elimination of acids. The acids accumulate and promote water retention while decreasing elimination. So, the more toxins there are the less the body eliminates, the less the body eliminates, the more toxins there are. The humoral ground (body fluids) is modified, vitality decreases as well as resistance to diseases and stress.


Consequences of acidosis

When we talk about acido-base balance, there is a confusion between tissue acidosis and blood acidosis. There is very little blood acidosis. It is sometimes found in certain diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, certain pulmonary tuberculosis or certain kidney diseases.

On the other hand, blood alkalosis is much more frequent and all the so-called diseases of civilization fall into this category:

Alkaline blood corresponds to tissues in acidosis.

As we can see, the abnormal concentration of acidic components present in our tissues inevitably leads to imbalances. A certain number of symptoms appear little by little, settle in gradually and merge into daily life:

  • Fatigability especially in the morning
  • Sleep disruption between 2 and 4 hours
  • Appetite disturbance and bulimia
  • Constipation
  • Frequent migraines
  • Oily skin (face+++)
  • Bad morning breath
  • Profuse sweating
  • Muscle pain
  • Rheumatism
  • Diabetes
  • Graves' disease (thyroid)
  • Cancer diseases in general

Correction of acidified soil

To reduce the level of acidity in the body, it is possible to act on the following plans:

  • The diet: it is important to favor an alkalizing diet rich in colored vegetables, almonds, dried fruits, apple.
  • Hydration: Drinking enough quality alkaline water is essential. It provides the necessary bases on a daily basis to neutralize the acids, thus preserving the vitamin reserves of bone and other tissues.
  • Oxygenation: Learn to breathe effectively (Hatha yoga) or regularly practice 10 min of deep breathing in a healthy, natural environment or 6 min of Jacquier air bowl per day.
  • Nutritional supplementation: daily intake of vitamins, minerals, citrates ... greatly help in the elimination of acids and maintenance of organic vitality.
  • Stress management, getting enough rest and cultivating positive thoughts all stimulate self-healing forces.
  • Fasting for a short time.
HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 9 January, 2014
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