Cinnamon demonized..... here's what Americans think of Europe's new regulations.....

It is a favorite dessert in much of Northern Europe. But kanelsnegle, or what is more commonly known in the states as a cinnamon roll, is the target of a new European Union regulation that claims it is a threat to human health. No, not because of all the refined sugar, brominated white flour and other refined ingredients used in its production - European officials are concerned about any natural cassia cinnamon, and they insist that it contains a compound that can damage the liver.

This compound is known

Like coumarin, it is actually just a natural anticoagulant and appetite suppressant found in all kinds of common plants and herbs. But because a study published earlier this year in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that the coumarin content in the most common variety of cinnamonAs the presence of cassia, which can increase the risk of liver damage, EU health authorities have been on a crusade to eradicate it from the food supply.


According to the Atlantic Journal, existing European regulations already limit the amount of cinnamon that can be added to certain foods. For traditional or seasonal pastries, for example, European bakers are only allowed to use 50 milligrams of cinnamon per kilogram of dough, while ordinary pastries are limited to 15 milligrams per kilogram of cinnamon of dough. And each EU member state is responsible for determining which pastries fall into which category.

In the case of Denmark, the Danish health authority recently decided to reclassify kanelsnegle as a common rather than a seasonal or traditional pastry, which means that bakers will now have to reduce the amount of cinnamon they use by at least 70 percent. This is obviously problematic for an iconic vacation feast that is centered around the use of large amounts of cinnamon.

"This is the end of the cinnamon bun as we know it," Hardy Christensen , head of the Danish Bakers Association, told the Daily Mail in the UK . "Cinnamon buns are of course a product of traditional Danish cuisine. We have been making cinnamon breads and cakes for 200 years. "


The Regulations ignore junk food while demonizing a natural spice. What makes this latest effort by the "welfare" state even more ridiculous is the fact that health authorities are touting the measure as a protective measure, while completely ignoring the many other unhealthy ingredients used in cinnamon rolls. Ironically, cinnamon is probably the only healthy ingredient used in cinnamon rolls, the rest is junk food.

"An average person would have to eat so many Danish pastries before they were affected, they would certainly die of obesity before being hurt by such a low intake of cinnamon," said Paul Nuttall , deputy leader of the UK Independence Party , the Telegraph . The Independence Party openly advocates for Britain's withdrawal from the authoritarian European Union, which is known to generate these types of regulatory cascades.

We don't need the welfare state or the EU to tell us what to do and certainly not how many Danish pastries we should eat for Christmas," said Nuttal.

According to reports, Danish food authorities are giving bakers until March to comply with the new rules, and they bizarrely insist that this will decrease the "risks" associated with eating too much cinnamon. Food Authorities in the UK, on the other hand, admit that the limited research accusing coumarin as a dangerous spice is "questionable," which is why there will be no similar restrictions on the use of cinnamon for British bakers.

Translated with permission from :

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 10 January, 2014
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This can happen in Europe....we may not be able to inform you about alternative and/or natural treatments that have proven their effectiveness!