Gemmotherapy for summer: choose chestnut!

In summer, the heat makes cardiovascular and lymphatic problems worse: legs swell and become painful. To prevent these discomforts, chestnut is at its best. This macerate stimulates blood and lymph circulation, helping to prevent and even relieve stasis and swelling of the lower limbs. Find out more about Chestnut bud, your best ally this summer!

Castanea Sativa, the tree that gets the lymph moving

Chestnut grows on silica-rich soils and does not appreciate limestone soils. It likes warm climates and is fairly resistant, except to chestnut canker, a fungus that can weaken it.

Chestnuts are extremely nutritious and rich in minerals. Consumed in the countryside in autumn, chestnuts have fed many families in times of famine. In addition, it is capable of regenerating from the stump when cut, burnt or damaged.

Did you know? The chestnut tree symbolizes strength, justice, loyalty and honesty.

Chestnut bud and the lymphatic system

In the world of gemmotherapy, the chestnut bud chestnutis the remedy for lymphatic stasis. It tones tissues, helps to cleanse and circulate lymph. Lymph tends to quickly become saturated with waste products, especially if you're sedentary. Chestnut bud therefore becomes a precious ally in restoring good fluid circulation in all seasons, but especially in summer!

What is lymph

Lymph is a liquid that circulates in the body through its own network. It carries white blood cells and waste products, then discharges them into the venous circulation for elimination. Along the way are lymph glands, which swell when there's an infection.

Unlike the blood system, which is pumped by the heart, lymphatic vessels have no propulsion system. It's the movement of the body, and in particular walking with the stimulation of the arch of the foot, coupled with blood circulation, that enable lymph to move.

Chestnut to eliminate toxins

Le chestnut bud cleanses deep tissues and facilitates the elimination of waste circulating via the lymph, such as drug residues or food additives. 

A clogged lymph means the risk of developing spasms, stubborn fatigue, muscular pain, immune weakness, water retention...

As a complement to professional lymphatic drainage and an adapted, personalized lifestyle, Chestnut bud is sure to relieve the discomforts of poorly circulating lymph!


La gemmotherapy to the rescue of water retention

Chestnut bud relieves water retention problems. Edema, cellulite and swelling of the upper and lower limbs are relieved thanks to chestnut.

In cases of water retention due to hormonal variations, other buds can accompany chestnut, such as apple and raspberry.

Chestnut bud: a venous tonic

The venous system is sometimes short of breath, which slows down the elimination of waste carried by the lymph. As a result, the lymph is left with excess waste, like an overflowing garbage can, because the garbage men are slow to come.

Symptoms such as heavy legs, varicose veins, phlebitis, varicosities, varicose ulcers, etc. then appear. Visit chestnut bud  helps relieve these disorders thanks to its stimulating and eliminating properties.

Finally, a look back at the principles of gemmotherapy

Buds, rootlets and young shoots are plant cells at the embryonic stage, containing all the characteristics of the plant, tree or shrub. For example, in the same blackcurrant glycerine macerate, we find the properties of blackcurrant leaves, bark, fruit, roots and flowers. We can truly consider that we're dealing with a strengthened and tenfold potential for action. All the strength of the adult plant is concentrated in a single bud.

Alexia Bernard 21 August, 2023
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