How to naturally relieve a migraine

Do you suffer from migraines regularly? The migraine attack is caused by a double phenomenon of inflammation and dilation of the blood vessels of the head as well as a neurological problem. Although the mechanism of migraine is not yet well known, science is beginning to unravel its mysteries. Discover in the following lines different naturopathic ways to prevent the appearance of migraines and to relieve them... 

Migraine: where does it come from

The migraine is what is called a headache, otherwise known as a headache. It appears following a triggering element such as stress, strong emotions or an unsuitable diet. 

In allopathic medicine, the first avenue to explore is the quality of the blood vessels in order to calm their inflammation.

At the same time, an eye test will be offered. In fact, slightly impaired vision can cause migraines. A visit to an ophthalmologist is necessary in order to determine if you need glasses or not.

In addition, many women experience migraines as their period approaches. It is then one of the signs of a pre-menstrual syndrome. In this case, it is the hormonal variation that is responsible. 

And sometimes, following a meal that is too fatty, too hearty or too much water, migraines can appear. Digestion is disrupted causing specific head pain

Migraine as seen by naturopathy.

The common thread between these 3 examples is the foie. It is responsible for many metabolic functions including digestion and blood purification. Thus, when the cough is overloaded by an inadequate diet or by taking long-term medication, including the contraceptive pill, it eventually becomes tired. 

In premenstrual syndrome, the liver no longer filters excess hormones into the bloodstream. There is a bottleneck. 

In the case of a difficult digestion, the foie can no longer keep up to manage the breakdown of the food bolus.

What are the signs of a tired liver?

  • nausea
  • lazy digestion
  • blurred view
  • fatigue
  • insomnia
  • emotional sensitivity
  • headache
  • language loaded in the morning 
  • halitosis 
  • skin problems

What natural solutions should be put in place?

  • Diet: review your diet is the foundation. 
    • Eat raw or lightly cooked organic or garden fruits and vegetables in season.
    • Choose whole or semi-complete products
    • Think of unroasted and unsalted seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, flax...) and oilseeds (walnut, hazelnut, almond, Brazil nut...)
    • Limit red meat, dishes with sauces, industrial, refined products (flours, sugars), stimulants (tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol)
  • Correctly hydrate yourself: drink at least 1.5l of water per day. Dehydration can cause headaches! In your gourd, you can :
    • Flavor your water with the juice of 1/2 lemon and a fresh sprig of rosemary. 
    • Add grapefruit seed extract (amount to be determined with your naturopath based on your history. As a precaution, not recommended in case of anti-hypertensive treatment)
    • Consume depurative infusions: rosemary, lemon, dandelion, boldo, black radish...
  • Practicing fasting or monodiet The liver is tired and must be rested. A light detox can be considered if you have enough life force. Otherwise, over a few days or several meals, you can turn to the monodiet or liquid fast. 
    • Apple Mono-diet: Cooked, raw or in homemade juice, apples improve digestion if you can stand them. You can add cinnamon, gomasio. But no sugar or honey or butter!
    • Grape monodiet in season: regenerates all the cells of the body
    • Liquid fasting: do not consume anything solid. Only drink water, freshly made fruit or vegetable juices, broths ... Over 1 or more meals or even over several days. 
  • Phytotherapy: a combination of feverfew, white willow and Indian spikenard helps to srelieve the frequency and intensity of headaches. Phytomig natural dietary supplement combines active ingredients with effective anti-inflammatory properties to prevent migraine attacks. To be consumed as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle and diet.

Salving migraines naturally: in conclusion.

The natural tips presented are only effective when applied synergistically. For guaranteed results, it is necessary to consult a naturopath who will propose a protocol adapted to your situation and to your treatments if any. 

Alexia Bernard 14 April, 2020
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