How to treat glaucoma naturally?

Eye diseases. are very common today and the causes are easily explained; old age and therefore degeneration (AMD) or age-independent pathologies that appear for more specific reasons. Unfortunately, the solutions do not always exist. In the realm of natural therapies, herbal medicine can support the person in suffering by limiting the growth of the disease and even if there is no or limited curative treatment, the symptoms may stop to prevent the disease from taking hold further.

More on glaucoma

Glaucoma, a result of hypertonia of the eye, is a disease that causes shrinkage of the field of vision. This disease invalidates the person who suffers from it causing, in the long term, a blindness due to the progressive destruction of the optic nerve.

In effect, there is a blockage at the outflow channel of the eye that prevents fluids from being released and as a result, internal pressure is formed. A poor blood supply to the optic nerve is thought to be involved. This could be the result of prolonged diabetes or increased bouts of oxidative stress or bad cholesterol in the blood but not only.

The curative treatments being unknown to date, we present you therefore some advice that you can adapt in your daily life thanks to the plants and to an adapted diet to slow down the symptoms.

From a nutritional point of view, maintaining or adopting a healthy diet is a priority as it is for many physiological dysfunctions, but there are some foods to focus on to support your body:

  • The consumption ofgarlic for its greening of the cardiovascular system, thus interesting in the case of glaucoma.
  • The vitamin C supplementation. or the consumption of fruits and vegetables high in this vitamin, in order to stabilize the pressure inside the the eye. Proper supplementation and dosage must be studied by a competent therapist. In fact, the daily dose will be increased.
  • Consumption of omega 3 found in certain oils, for example. They are very positive for the appearance anti-inflammatory and blood of the organism.

Gingko Biloba, a tree with exceptional virtues

Gingko Biloba

Used at doses of 160 mg per day for several weeks, the Gingko Biloba (read our article on this this thousand-year-old tree with incredible virtues) can be of great help during ocular problems, of which glaucoma is one. This tree widely known for its rich bio-flanoid content improves blood fluidity by preventing blood clotting. Its retinal antioxidant action is now proven.

Gingko Biloba is a very ancient tree, renowned for its strength and power. It is indeed the only tree that was able to resist the atomic bombs of Hiroshima, all the other vegetation having been destroyed in the passage of these explosions. In addition to its positive functions on the eye and its irregularities, Gingko Biloba has very interesting properties on many other aspects of health.

The metaphysical approach to glaucoma

As you know, every disease can be expressed through a metaphysical approach. From a psycho-emotional point of view, glaucoma could have several very specific meanings. Let us already note that this disability particularly affects people over 60 years of age and this can be retained as a well significant element.

In effect, the person, bordering on blindness, thus causes himself visual deterioration unconsciously, because he is tired of having seen too much in life. Taking stock of one's past life, one's youth, one's history could be the source of everything.

Indeed, the person is tired of having experienced things that have overwhelmed him throughout his life, to the point that he prefers to let the ocular fluid accumulate causing from then on the deterioration of the sight. Misery, melancholy, and general fed up on this life that one missed, that did not go as planned are so many buried emotions that can be evoked by a patient with glaucoma.

Vanessa Colant 29 September, 2016
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