Ginkgo Biloba, one of the best health allies

The gemmotherapy is a very complex and fascinating subject that always allows us to move forward and learn something. The vast and fascinating universe that is the plant bud, we always discover interesting data when we walk towards our health and well-being in the natural. In this article, I offer a comprehensive overview of the Ginkgo Biloba bud, Ginkgo biloba L..

This ancient tree, also known as the forty-ecus tree, the golden apricot or the city tree, has its roots in our land over 300 million years ago. Thanks to its powerful roots, we can still contemplate it today. Currently, it is among the oldest living species in the world. Its power and its sacred character have allowed it to survive various eras thanks to the protection and maintenance of man.


Today, it is used in phytotherapy for its numerous health benefits. Indeed, gemmotherapy uses its buds as soon as they are freshly hatched for its properties on various systems, namely :

Venous, capillary and arterial circulatory system:Ginkgo bud increases the resistance of arterial membranes. This protects us against arteriosclerosis. Moreover, it is a venous, arterial and lymphatic tonic mainly used for the problems of heavy legs, venous returns, headaches of vascular origin or for the varicose veins and the hemorrhoids, among others. Also, ginkgo allows the blood to regain its fluidity, flow and tone. With proper use, thrombosis can be avoided because blood clots no longer form.

The gynecological system: Since it allows the blood to regain fluidity, we also give it a decongestant action active on the small pelvis. Very useful therefore to relieve menstrual disorders as well as uterine spasms. Its action will be also interesting on the contractions related to the childbirth.

Immune system: Gingko is a wonderful immune system stimulant whose action then allows the reduction of certain inflammations and allergies.

Diabetes: by increasing the release of insulin in the pancreas,it helps regulate recent diabetess. Nevertheless, for those who suffer from a well installed diabetes, the gingko will also act but only by decreasing the side effects.

The nervous system: its many qualities allow apositive action on the quality of sleep as well as on the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Within the framework of an adapted therapeutic follow-up, it could completely take the place of anxiolytics. Nevertheless, the management must be carried out by a doctor because the combination of Gingko and monoamine oxidase inhibitors is not recommended at all. Self-medication is absolutely not recommended.
Mood disorders related to premenstrual syndrome can also be relieved by Gingko. We have here an ideal bud for the woman who suffers each month of her cycle.

The qualities of Ginkgo are numerous because, like its tree, its buds are powerful and sacred. However, its use requires the advice of a physician or a practitioner of herbal medicine or natural health. The application plans of Ginkgo are numerous, we have only seen a brief overview here but take into consideration that it is applicable in many health concerns. Add to this asthma, tinnitus, Alzheimer's, dementia, AMD (age-related macular degeneration), angina, dyslexia, etc.

As always, lifestyle changes will need to be adopted to solve most health problems. Although nature is our ally, we must also take care of our bodies through healthy living habits.




Source : Treaty of gemmotherapy by Philippe Andrianne


Vanessa Colant 8 September, 2018
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