How to eliminate heavy metals?

The dangers of environmental pollution such as pesticides, exhaust fumes or contaminated water are now recognized by most people. This is not the case for the toxic metals that may be present in our food because there are gaps in labeling.

We often ignore it, but the presence of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium is very common in our food. And these substances absorbed over the long term can damage the central nervous system and many organs. As they accumulate, they cause serious health problems such as nausea, vomiting, anemia, cancer, heart disease, but also many degenerative brain disorders (dementia) or behavioral problems.

Making better food choices and changing certain lifestyle habits can significantly reduce the impact of these toxic molecules on our health.

Avoiding food toxicities by choosing quality foods that are free of toxins is essential to protect yourself. Promoting healthy and natural nutrition and banning processed foods will therefore be the first step to take.

Industrial food often leads to deficiencies in certain antioxidant and protective nutrients, so by consuming this type of food, not only do we become more intoxicated, we deplete the mechanisms and vital elements of our body, but we also do not benefit from the prevention that can be provided by a natural and organic food.

Another metal pollution is often neglected, the one brought by the kitchenware either during the cooking or by the utensils used for the culinary preparations. There are alternatives to avoid these contaminations: ceramics, terracotta (without glaze) or glass (without lead).

One of the largest and most repeated exposures is to vaccines, vaccines that children and even some adults are subjected to. This is also becoming known... The adjuvants used to manufacture vaccines contain aluminum and mercury. Remember that children are much more sensitive to toxins.

Another often overlooked heavy metal pollution is that of medicines which also contain aluminum and titanium particles.

Ensuring the intake of essential nutrients through good quality foods is the best health prevention. This, coupled with proper filtration of our drinking water will give the body the means to detoxify itself, thus reducing the risk of heavy metals. It is important to know that the body absorbs and transports heavy metals by the same mechanisms as those used for certain minerals such as calcium, iron or zinc. These toxic molecules take the place of nutrients that are essential for the proper functioning of the body, which will result in the long-term malabsorption of its essential elements.

Eating whole grains of organic origin as well as fresh and dried fruits provides fiber that facilitates transit and traps toxins in the intestines to better eliminate them.

Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, collards, broccoli, all cruciferous vegetables and others... are considered superfoods that contain substances that are truly protective of health. This is also the case with algae such as chlorella and spirulina, which also promote the detoxification of heavy metals.

One way to eliminate toxins is of course to sweat. This can be done through physical exercise or by taking a sauna. At present, there is the far infrared sauna, whose penetrating rays allow to detoxify the body in depth.

Even with a natural and stage diet, there are times when we still lack nutrients. In this case, it is necessary to turn to quality food supplements.

Fish oil supplements that provide essential fatty acids (omega-3 type) are also useful for prevention or to cleanse the body.

Selenium, vitamin C and E are antioxidants st an antioxidant and detoxifier of choice against toxic heavy metals such as cadmium, thallium, mercury and lead.

You can also help your body excrete metals (cadmium, mercury and lead) by mixing organic silicon into your drinking water.

Vitamin C and E are powerful antioxidants that protect against oxidative damage from heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead.

Cures of probiotics, those beneficial bacteria that can trap and metabolize heavy metals (cadmium and lead) will also be useful.

Remember the benefits of fermented foods: raw sauerkraut, kombucha, tempeh, miso, etc.

From the point of view of foodstuffs, one thing is certain to make things happen: consumers should demand clear and transparent labelling from manufacturers with regard to heavy metals, but also GMOs.

This would at least allow sensitive and aware people to make informed choices about their consumer products.

References for this article:

For more information:étal-toxicité optimal-health 1160.html#sthash.3KhGJOog.dpuf

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 9 October, 2017
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