Natural tips for trouble-free breastfeeding

Have you made the choice to breastfeed your child? Know that breast milk is soothing, healing, anti-fungal, anti-infection, anti-viral and moisturizing. To help you in this natural approach to feeding your child, here are some naturopathic tips for a trouble-free breastfeeding. 

Breastfeeding in France: some figures

According to the DREES (Direction de la Recherche, des Études, de l' Évaluations et des Statistiques), in France, "in 2013, the proportion of infants breastfed at birth was 66%. It is only 40% at 11 weeks, 30% at 4 months and 18% at 6 months. It should be noted that this rate has been relatively stable for the last ten years and has even tended to increase slightly.

Breast milk, the best milk.

Breast milk absolutely meets all of the nutritional needs of the child until those 6 months. 

It can be stored at room temperature for 4 to 6 hours and 1 week in the refrigerator.

The composition of the milk varies according to the mother, the length of gestation, breastfeeding, the extraction technique and its conservation.  

  • Lipids, up to 55% of the child's caloric intake.

The composition of the milk changes during the same feeding: the "last" milk is richer in fatty acids. A woman who has given birth to a premature baby will have a milk that is much richer in fatty acids in order to cover the greater needs of a premature baby. It has also been noticed that women who do not have a lot of lipid reserves compensate by having a higher milk secretion...

The fatty acids represent a source of energy and participate in the good constitution of the whole nervous system (the brain is fond of them) and of the cellular membranes.

  • The proteins

The protein level goes from 15.8g/l in the colostrum to about 8-9g/l in the milk. The proteins present in milk are really only valuable as "carriers" of minerals, vitamins, neurotransmitters. The rate is proportional to the stature of the baby which takes longer to grow than another mammal. 

We also find water, lactose, vitamins and minerals and trace elements in varying quantities.

Should you supplement to get "better" milk?

Most of the time, if you eat properly and give yourself time to rest, there is no need to supplement. Generally, the milk levels of vitamins are little changed by supplementation. This is because the nutrients in breast milk have maximum bioavailability. 

In short, if you were to supplement, it would be more for you, to improve your general condition than for the quality of your milk. 

So what to put on your plate?

The needs of the lactating woman are greater than those of the pregnant woman. It is therefore all the more necessary to :

  • Favouring a hypotoxic, organic or garden diet
  • Eat raw or lightly cooked vegetables and fruits, sprouted seeds and seaweed (spirulina, nori etc...)
  • Think of oilseeds (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts ...) and unroasted and unsalted seeds (sesame, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts ...) 
  • Prefer whole or semi-complete cereals (pasta, rice, quinoa, buckwheat ...)
  • Drastically limit all stimulants: coffee, tea, cigarettes, sugar etc...

Optimal hydration.

A breastfeeding woman needs to drink more than a non-breastfeeding woman. 

Think about infusions to not only hydrate you but also to favor lactation or on the contrary decrease it if you start weaning. 

Phytotherapy for the nursing woman.

Many brands have created "breastfeeding"mixes. They are generally very interesting and well balanced. 

To promote breastfeeding you have the so-called galactogenic plants which are: 

  • fennel
  • aniseed
  • fenugreek
  • maca
  • the blessed thistle

And the one that, on the contrary, decreases the production of milk:

  • sage
  • parsley
  • peppermint

And for those who are lactating heavily, consider donating milk! Contact the lactarium in your area to find out how. 

As a naturopath, I regularly recommend infusions ofnettle for its high remineralizing power.

To relieve engorgement and cracks

Blockages can be very painful. The heat will promote blood and lymphatic circulation. Apply a warm cotton wipe to the breast between feeds. Some put crushed cabbage leaves in the bra... To be tested! 

As for cracks, they will heal by simply applying a few drops of your milk which, as stated in the introduction, is healing and antiseptic. Check your child's position and that he/she opens his/her mouth correctly when feeding. 

Other uses of breast milk...

According to Violaine Bideau in "Le lait maternel, notice d'utilisation" published in the magazine Allaiter aujourd'hui - Oct/Nov/Dec 2013

  • in the eyes, in case of purulent conjunctivitis, styes or simple irritation (after a dust in the eye);
  • in the ears, in case of otitis;
  • in the nostrils, in case of rhinitis;
  • on the skin, and more specifically : 
  • on the navel of newborns, for cord care;
  • on the buttocks, sex: in case of erythema, redness, irritation, from very slight to raw buttocks; 
  • on damaged nipples (cracks, bites or simply sore nipples); 
  • on chapped lips;
  • on irritations, dry skin, for example on the wings of the nose when you blew your nose too much (allergic rhinitis, cold); 
  • on sunburns; 
  • on various injuries, both on the skin and on the mucous membranes (light burns, superficial cuts, scratches, scrapes, cat scratches, rosebush or other, blisters, irritations, mouth ulcers, etc.); 
  • on pimples of all kinds, especially acne and chicken pox.

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Alexia Bernard 19 November, 2019
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