Argiletz, the French clay specialist

Clay has been used since the dawn of time and on every continent as a natural remedy. To relieve digestive disorders, skin problems or to purify water, clay has been part of the traditional pharmacopoeia since the world began. Argiletz, the French clay specialist, offers a wide range of green, pink, yellow and white clays to take care of your health, your well-being and your beauty. Zoom in on the many benefits of Argiletz French clay.

Argiletz green clay, a natural remedy to have at home

L'argile verte is by far the most used of all clays, whether in cosmetics or in healing. It is a sedimentary rock rich in aluminum silicates but also in magnesium. Its color is due to iron oxides (limonite). Its composition depends on the richness of the soil in minerals and trace elements.

There are commonly two varieties of green clay:

It is therefore found in temperate climates and alkaline environments. Of great purity, green clay Montmorillonite is the one that is generally recommended in the care in argilo-therapy. It is extracted from quarries in the Massif Central, Languedoc and Provence.

How to use clay externally ?

One of the easiest ways to take advantage of the benefits of clay (peu importe sa couleur) est l'utilisation externe, sous forme de cataplasme.  Attention ! Il est recommandé d'utiliser des ustensiles et contenants en bois ou en verre car le métal peut perturber les échanges ioniques, altérant ainsi l'efficacité de l’argile.

In what cases to practice poultice of'argile Argiletz?

clay and skin problems
  • Skin problems (acne, wounds, burns, insect bites)

Applied as a thick cataplasm, clay stops bleeding, absorbs pus, sebum or venom, promotes healing, calms pain, soothes burning or itching sensations. It is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

Les white clays et rose take care of the most sensitive skins. They are less scouring than the green clay which better suited to localized care.

  • Joint pain (sprain, tendonitis, arthritis):

Green clay, applied as a thick cataplasm on inflamed areas, relieves pain. Repeat as soon as the clay begins to dry.

How to use theargile Argiletz in internal use?

Some populations eat clay to cure themselves of certain affections whether they are bacterial, viral or parasitic or simply to remineralize themselves after an illness, in case of malnutrition or after a childbirth.

Here, the idea is to use l'argile verte ultra-ventilée in the form ofclay water or clay milk. To do this, simply :
  • Mettre 1 cuillère à soupe d'argile verte en poudre dans un grand verre d'eau (préférez le haut à large). 

  • Mix well

  • Let the preparation settle overnight.

  • The next morning, when you wake up, drink the surface water without stirring it first.

This beverage must be consumed far from any medication because, as a reminder, clay has a high absorbing power, annihilating any effect of your treatments (including the contraceptive pill). Another important point is to drink plenty of water between meals and to limit the consumption of fats in order not to risk a "clogging" of the clay in the intestines.

Digestive problems will be relieved by takingargile Argiltez internally:

  • diarrhea (gastroenteritis / turista / food poisoning)

  • gastric acidity

  • ulcer

  • Irritated digestive mucosa

  • intestinal hyper-permeability

  • irritable bowel syndrome

  • parasitosis

clay in-house

Green clay attracts pathogens (viruses, bacteria, parasites) and expels them through natural channels. In addition, its absorbing power allows to harden the stools and to eliminate the bloating.

Green clay : what counter indication and precaution of use ?

Internally, green clay should be taken over a short period of time to begin with. If you suffer from chronic constipation, high blood pressure, intestinal obstruction, it is formally contraindicated to take it. In case of doubt, ask your doctor, pharmacist or naturopath for advice.

Alexia Bernard 24 April, 2023
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