6 anti-cancer foods

To beat cancer and ensure that it does not recur, the body must be brought into balance and the immune system rebuilt. So how do we do this?

A detoxification and achieve a slightly alkaline pH, while giving the body the best of organic foods, which are nutritionally dense. Your goal is to rebuild a killer immune system from which you feed every non-cancerous cell in your body with super nutrition.

For specific foods for cancer elimination, see the following list:


  • Les Oméga 3

The fatty fish, fish oil, flax seed oil, hemp oil, are excellent omega-3 fatty acids Provide (and other beneficial fatty acids) that fight inflammation and make the body less hospitable to cancer cells.

  • Les légumes crucifères

Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, watercress, kale, collards, turnips, rutabagas, radishes, arugula, and more. These vegetables contain sulforaphane and other useful compounds, which help fight tumors of the breast, prostate, brain and colorectal cancer, as well as leukemia. Broccoli sprouts and broccoli have anti-cancer properties.

  • Les baies

Raspberries are exceptional, and all the phytonutrients contained in all berries, such as ellagic acid, inhibit tumor growth.

  • Maitake et Shiitake

These mushrooms stimulate immune function and are a great source of antioxidants. They are rich in vitamin C and also in B vitamins as well as calcium and other minerals.

  • Le curcuma

The curcumin, found in turmeric, inhibits cancer spread (metastasis) with its anti-inflammatory and oxidative effects. Turmeric can be found in farmers markets in root form. It can be used freely to spice up your food (on salads or in salad dressings as well as in cooked dishes), without side effects.

  • Les tomates

The active compounds present in tomatoes, lycopene and carotenoids are very useful, especially in the fight against prostate and pancreatic cancer in men. Seven to ten servings are suggested weekly, two raw juice for one cooked. Try to make your own juice, store bought tomato juice will be pasteurized. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant.

  • Les folates

Egg yolks, avocados, apricots, green leafy vegetables, and pumpkin are rich in folate-type foods. For meat eaters, chicken livers are very rich in folic acid. Studies using synthetic forms of folate, such as folic acid, show a significant reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer.

  • L’ail

Even the National Cancer Institute admits that "garlic ... may reduce the risk of several developing types of cancer, especially gastrointestinal cancers.

Garlic reduces inflammation, fights free radicals, and fights cancer. Eat them raw or chop them up and let them sit for 10-15 minutes before cooking them so as not to destroy the allicin, which is the beneficial compound.

  • Le raisin

The compound found in red grapes, resveratrol, is a powerful antioxidant. Grape seeds have enormous benefits. We recommend that you do not eat seedless grapes.

Sugar feeds cancer. Processed and refined foods feed the cancer. Raw organic vegetables, especially when grown for maximum nutrient content (as opposed to large-scale farming) should be the foundation of any healthy diet. We also recommend that anyone with cancer do a detoxification with a diet that includes foods with anti-cancer properties in addition to prescribed treatments.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 30 September, 2017
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