5 "healthy" foods loaded with sugar

Sugar is everywhere. Hidden under many names, it is difficult to recognize in a list of ingredients. Yet it is one of the most damaging foods for your body.
Sugar and fructose, in particular, are powerful pro-inflammatory agents and accelerate the aging process. Sugar increases insulin and leptin, while decreasing the sensitivity of the receptors of these two hormones, an important factor in premature aging, age-related chronic diseases and overweight and obesity in developed countries.
If you already know that sugar is bad for your health, you may be unaware of how much of it is hidden in foods that might be thought to be "healthy.

Discover these "healthy" foods that you could, in the end, replace with a candy bar because they are so loaded with sugar.



Yoghurt sold in stores is one of these "healthy" foods, but it is full of sugar. In addition, pasteurization, artificial colors and flavors are added. There's no need to switch to "light" yogurt which, although it promises less sugar, contains a generous dose of toxic artificial sweeteners. Of course, organic raw milk yogurt, eaten plain or lightly sweetened with honey, maple or agave syrup, is a real health food.

Tomato sauce

Tomato sauce can add more than 20 grams of sugar to your meal. Often eaten with pasta, another source of carbohydrates, it sends you straight into sugar overload.
Be wary of commercial brands that contain many sweeteners, the best bet is, of course, to make a good homemade tomato sauce and serve it with vegetable pasta.

Granola Bars

granola bars

Sugar is one of the main ingredients in granola bars and these foods are generally no better than sweet bars, nutritionally speaking. Considered healthy by most consumers, they are real sugar traps, often consumed in excess by those who enjoy them.
Just like our spaghetti with tomato sauce above, this type of bar brings a high dose of sugar, but also carbohydrates, through the grains that make them up, which break down into sugar and lead to excess fat, obesity and the health problems that can accompany it.

Light salad dressings

Light" vinaigrettes are inevitably high in sugar. They can contain more than 40 grams, turning your salads into real desserts. So don't be fooled by the "light".

Canned fruit

Canned fruits are real sugar nests. In addition to being naturally high in fructose, they are usually bathed in high fructose corn syrup. A single serving of canned peaches or pears can contain more than 30 grams of sugar. Prefer fresh fruit, which is already high in natural fructose.

Don't be fooled by all the "healthy" foods. Watch the labels when you eat ready-made foods to avoid excess sugar and all that it can lead to.

Thyphanie Mouton 18 July, 2016
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Can we be addicted to sugar like a drug?