
Doubt - Uncertainty

36 - Wild Oats - organic - 20 ml
12.90 € 12.90 €
Bach Flower Oats helps to clarify objectives. It confers strength and willpower.
17 - Hornbeam - organic - 20 ml
12.90 € 12.90 €
Bach Flower Charm stimulates feelings of strength and willpower in people who lack courage in the face of everyday tasks and tend to put things off until tomorrow.
13 - Wormwood - organic - 20 ml
12.90 € 12.90 €
Strength and willpower - Restores hope, strength and willpower in the face of difficulties.
Cerato - Plumbago - organic - 20 ml
12.90 € 12.90 €
Bach Flower Plumbago helps to gain confidence in one's own judgment, without systematically seeking the approval of others.