

Aromaforce Nose spray - organic
9.90 € 9.90 €
Decongestant nasal spray in case of rhinitis and rhinopharyngitis
Breath from trees - organic
16.00 € 16.00 €
Designed for diffusion, this synergy of organic essential oils purifies breathing and sanitizes the air. An ideal combination to get you through the winter season.
Orange Blossom Roll-On - organic
9.00 € 9.00 €
The floral character of Orange Blossom essential oil invites us to open up to others and move beyond past griefs and resentments.
Feelkraft home fragrance - organic
19.80 € 19.80 €
Feelkraft room spray by Baldini (Taoasis) is an invigorating fragrance based on lime, lemon and lemongrass (also known as lemongrass or Indian verbena).
Rosehip - organic
14.90 € 14.90 €
Very rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins, rosehip oil is exceptional for all cases of cell regeneration: dry skin, rosacea, even old scars, ...
Italian Helichrysum - organic
28.90 € 28.90 €
Bioflore Italian Helichrysum essential oil has a fluidizing effect, reducing hematomas, varicose veins and rosacea, and stimulating creativity and imagination.
Oliban - Encens - organic
15.00 € 15.00 €
Ideal for the respiratory system, it can be diffused in the air or rubbed in. It's also a great skin tonic!
Garden marjoram - organic
10.00 € 10.00 €
Marjoram calms anxiety and restlessness through its neutonic and balancing properties.
Borage oil - organic
16.00 € 16.00 €
L'huile de bourrache vierge et bio à laquelle nous avons ajouté de la Vitamine E pour vous permettre de la conserver plus longuement. Raffermissante et anti-rides, elle convient particulièrement aux peaux sèches à matures ! Elle contribue à assouplir la peau grâce à la présence d'acides gamma-linolénique.
Cistus (Rock rose) essential oil - organic
27.70 € 27.70 €
Une huile essentielle majeure en cosmétique naturelle! Aux pouvoirs hémostatiques et anti-infectieux c'est un parfait cicatrisant qui combat efficacement les infections et les bactéries.
Spike lavender essential oil - organic
6.00 € 6.00 €
L'huile essentielle de lavande aspic bio est la solution naturelle par excellence pour soulager les piqûres d'insectes et autres animaux venimeux ainsi que les brûlures. Cicatrisante redoutable et régénératrice cutanée très efficace, elle apaise et purifie de nombreuses petites affections de la peau : acné, bouton, gerçure, crevasse, coup de soleil...
Spanish sweet thyme - organic
8.50 € 8.50 €
Spanish Sweet Thyme Essential Oil, moderate in its action, is ideal for bacterial, mycotic and viral infections (suitable for children and sensitive persons).