What is in the tobacco of cigarettes?

It's no longer a secret that the tobacco in today's cigarettes is not their only ingredient. In fact, manufacturers add many substances to it. Their mysterious recipes remain of course confidential...

No detail should be overlooked to make their products attractive, we could even say addictive, especially to young people and beginners smokers: vanilla flavors (very pleasant), cocoa to dilate the airways (so that the access of smoke to the lungs is easier) or genol and menthol with softening properties that mask the irritating effect of smoke on the airways.

Cigarette et tabac à rouler, quelles sont les différences ?

Believing to gain in health, but also financially, many young people turn to roll-your-own tobacco believing it to be less toxic. However, it is more harmful than conventional cigarettes, because their nicotine and tar content is 3 to 6 times higher, especially since they generally do not contain a filter.

One scam is to believe that the smoke from so-called "light", "light" or "mild" cigarettes is also less dangerous. Yet its composition is almost identical to that of packet cigarettes. The "light" effect is essentially provided by small holes in the filter. The smoke is therefore less concentrated, but just as harmful.

Une cigarette contient 40 substances cancérigènes

On average, cigarette smoke contains 4000 substances, of which more than 40 are carcinogenic. Its combustion causes the formation of many toxic substances, including tar, toxic gases (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrocyanic acid, ammonia) and heavy metals (cadmium, mercury, lead, chromium).

Like any psychostimulant substance, nicotine causes a physical dependence, but also a psychological dependence since it provides pleasure, relaxation, intellectual stimulation, reduction of language, improvement of mood (antidepressant) and that it has in addition an appetite suppressant effect. Its concentration varies from one tobacco to another and according to the parts of the plant used to manufacture it. It is also known that nicotine impacts the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

For information, any chemical molecule "exciting" acts through the thyroid gland is a flow of this fact on all organic functions, but also on the psycho-emotional sphere.

Un paquet de cigarette par jour = 250 ml de goudron par an

By smoking one pack per day, the smoker inhales 250 ml of tar per year, which is equivalent to a large glass. This appears to be the chemical primarily implicated in smoking-related cancers. The tar contains hydrocarbons such as benzene, among other things). There is evidence that this sticky, brown-black substance lines and clogs lung mucous membranes.

Irritation from cigarette burning is thought to be caused by acetone, phenols, and hydrocyanic acid. These chemical components that attack the respiratory mucosa alter the mucociliary function of the bronchial and bronchioles. This combined with the accumulation of tar gradually clogs the alveoli. The respiratory capacity is thus reduced. The poorly oxygenated tissues are prone to inflammation, inflammation that in turn triggers bronchial secretion and coughing.

Even if there is such a way to free the airways from excessive mucus or to temple the bronchial inflammation, the first measure to improve its health is obviously the drastic reduction or stop smoking!

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 29 March, 2017
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