What impact does diet have on our cartilage?

Just like when a car is loaded, our shock absorbers, which are the articular cartilages, suffer and are highly solicited in case of overweight. This overstressing particularly affects the hips and knees, which are the main joints for walking and support our weight all the time. Some say that each extra pound of weight overloads each hip with an equivalent force of 5 kilos. It is obvious that the more the cartilage is solicited, the more it will be destroyed.


It is therefore easy to understand that by losing a few extra pounds, we are directly saving our cartilage.


More and more doctors explain that cereal-based, floury and sweet foods (bread, breakfast cereals, potatoes, sweets) promote the wear and tear of joint cartilage. In any case, it is known that this type of food promotes weight gain. In addition, the most common cereals contain gluten, which is considered an inflammatory substance that should be eliminated whether or not you have joint problems.

Replacing starchy foods with an abundance of raw, fresh vegetables and fruits will always be welcome as it provides the body with a maximum of minerals and vitamins that are overall antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Red meats and deli meats are also known to promote inflammation. Currently, there is a real craze for plant-based proteins (soy, quinoa, legumes) which seem to be less harmful.

Cartilage is composed of 70 to 85% water, which is retained by the fundamental substance that contains the cartilage cells (chondrocytes).

In order to maintain this fundamental substance, the cushioning mattress of our joints, we must remember to hydrate sufficiently with good water. Staying adequately hydrated means drinking at least 1 to 1.5 liters of water per day, and this outside of meals. Remember to choose water with a low mineral content to avoid overloading the kidneys and accumulating minerals that cannot be used by the body.

A bad diet, stress, alcohol, tobacco and all environmental pollutions (air, cosmetics, domestic...) generate an excess of acidity in the tissues. This acidity can be marked by the appearance of microcrystals that will lodge in the joints. They are partly responsible for the pain and joint blockages that can be experienced when suffering from osteoarthritis or inflammatory problems.

In order to avoid this acidity and reduce inflammation, you can consume fresh herbs and spices such as turmeric. However, if the inflammation is chronic and well established, the ideal will be to turn to a quality curcuminoid extract and sufficiently dosed.

In order to buffer excess acidity in the tissues, you can also turn to alkalizing substances such as alkaline citrates or Alcaloplex.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 15 February, 2016
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