What to do in the vegetable garden in September ?

 September marks the end of the vacations and therefore the end of summer. Although the nice days and temperatures are still pleasant, we must face the facts: we are heading towards winter. In the vegetable garden, summer vegetables are starting to give way to fall vegetables and seedlings for this winter. So what to do in the vegetable garden in September? The answer is in this article.

Septembre, célébration des récoltes

Figs, grapes, apples, pears, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini as well as all the root vegetables like potato... It's the harvest season and to start stocking up for the winter with preserves, compotes, jams and freezer! In our grandparents' time, school started in October because September was harvest time and harvest in the fields. It was the occasion for each village to organize parties to celebrate and share the fruit of hard work. So why not keep this tradition alive by taking a time to celebrate and thank the earth for feeding you?

Semis et plantation des légumes d'hiver

It is in September that we prepare the winter crops. After working the soil well, you can proceed with the sowing and planting of winter vegetables. 

Here are the varieties to plant or sow directly in place :

  • curly endive, various cabbages, dandelions and thyme.

  • lamb's lettuce, lettuces.


  • Spinach.

  • winter radishes.

  • parsley and perennial savory.

  • bulbous flowers.

Prendre soin de la terre de son potager pour le printemps

In September, it's also time to :

  • stir the compost and make sure there is enough moisture. Water as needed. 

  • Prepare plots ready for winter planting and planting..

  • plant green manures on empty plots to remineralize them: clover, mustard, alfalfa, rye, phacelia, vetch.

Continuer à veiller sur son potager en septembre

Some of the summer vegetables are still in place, fall vegetables continue to mature, and August seedlings are beginning to come up. Thus, the budding gardener will be able to :

  • take care of seedlings already made by thinning and transplanting the most vigorous plans.

  • ripen squash.

  • blanching celery, fennel, curly endive...

  • divide the artichokes, chives and rhubarb.

  • water at the base of plants as needed and mulch to maintain moisture and prevent evaporation. 

  • weeding, hoeing ...

Protéger son potager des agressions extérieures

To protect your vegetable garden from pests, you can adopt one of the slug control tipsIt's also a good time to put up protective netting or pheromone baits. 

Also, in some areas, theautumn temperatures can arrive quickly. Therefore, you should think about setting up tunnels and frames to maintain a certain temperature favorable to germination, flowering and ripening of vegetables. Also, this will already be set up for frost-sensitive winter vegetables.  

However, do not forget to open them in hot weather at the risk of seeing your plants suffer from the heat and dry out. 

Jardiner avec la lune de septembre

  • September 1: rising moon

  • from September 2 to 16 : waning moon

  • September 17 to 29: rising moon.

  • September 30: descending. 

During the rising moon, sap rises in plants. This is the ideal time for seeding. 

During the waning moon, the sap returns to the roots. It is therefore the time to plant, transplant, cuttings. It is also the right time to enrich the soil. 

Finally, it is not recommended to work in the garden on full moon and new moon days. 


Le potager en septembre dans le sud de la France

In the south of France, temperatures are still very mild and even sometimes still warm. In the potager, you can sow directly into loose soil:

  • carrots / parsnips

  • leeks

  • apple cabbage

  • fennels

  • beans

  • onions 

  • parsley

  • chicory

Alexia Bernard 30 August, 2021
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