Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving qualities of clay

The use of a living material to heal everyday ailments is a total connection to the earth and the life within us. When our body fails us for X or Y reason, it is sometimes good to find and reconnect to the most natural sources possible.
Understand its pain and its evil is a priority point in the medicine known as holistic which wants that one takes care of the being in its totality but it is quite as important to find a completely natural remedy to find the optimal health and to attenuate the pains as big as they are.

It has the capacity to treat various and varied affections thanks to its multiple properties:

  • Detoxifying
  • Purifying
  • Healing
  • Antiseptic
  • Antiviral

Anti-inflammatory and pain relieving qualities

But first, a few tips for use:

  • There are many types of clay and depending on the ailment from which one suffers, one will choose a particular clay, according to its benefits: montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite, etc...
  • Its preparation in external use requires some rules as for example the use of a not transformed container, we will thus avoid putting its preparation in a plastic or iron bowl. We will prefer a wooden, glass, terracotta or even ceramic bowl. Similarly, the tool used to work the preparation will preferably be a wooden spatula that will allow the clay to retain all its properties.
  • Prefer to work directly with powdered clay rather than buying ready-made preparations. They are certainly convenient to use but they lose a great vibratory quality important for the treatment of certain ailments. In addition, the prices of these products are sometimes unthinkable.


What if clay cured my sciatica?

It is, in fact, quite possible to treat - or at least relieve - sciatica by making a cure of clay by internal way but also by external way.
The internal way will allow a detoxification of the body and will allow toxins to evacuate the body. Indeed, some types of sciatica are due to a blockage of toxins on the targeted nerve or in the affected area. From then on, a deep cleansing will be necessary to soothe this engorged nerve.

By using a green clay of the montmorillonite surfine type (with remineralizing virtues), it is possible to start a cure by respecting the following indications:

  • Mix one to two level teaspoons of montmorillonite-type green clay in a glass of water with little mineral content.
  • Shake well
  • Leave to rest overnight
  • Drink this mineral-rich water in the morning on an empty stomach and always 30 minutes before meals and when not taking medication.

Cure of 1 to 3 weeks MAXIMUM.

At the same time, for external use, the clay will be used as a poultice to be applied to the painful area. By adding water or hydrolat, the paste obtained should be neither too thick nor too liquid. Ideally prepared half an hour to an hour before application so that all the active principles are put into action (even more so if you add essential oils), the paste obtained will then be applied to the painful path.

Contrary to what we may believe, heat is not always beneficial for the ailments we suffer from. In the case of sciatica, cold will be preferable but the temperature will be left to the sufferer's discretion. Indeed, it is important that the patient feels in harmony with the proposed care.

Vanessa Colant 4 August, 2016
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