Reconditioning for a successful life: a well-kept secret!

Our whole life is based on a set of beliefs. We are not talking here about religious beliefs, but about information that, by dint of being repeated and heard, becomes firmly anchored in our unconscious.

These beliefs are formed both by our own thoughts and by the information we receive from the outside world and our various educators (school, parents, friends, etc.). It is these beliefs deeply engraved in our unconscious that shape our way of apprehending reality and that govern our behaviors. Each act or idea, if repeated, will create neural connections in our brain. Like when we cross a field of wheat, it will create a passage. The more we use it, the wider and stronger this passage will become. The same is true for the neuronal connections that grow and strengthen through repetition. It will then be only this idea or this way of functioning that will prevail.

It is understandable that a child who has been told thousands of times "you can't do that anyway" or "you can't do that" or "it's totally impossible" becomes effectively "unable" to do many things in life. The (entrenched) belief that he cannot do things will make it very difficult for him to succeed in life.

In order to change our way of functioning and therefore the way our brain works, we must first understand the difference between our conscious brain (CC) and our unconscious brain (CI). Our IC is overly powerful. It is the one that controls almost all of our behaviors by referring to the way it has been programmed (conditioned by inculcated beliefs).

Here are some numbers that demonstrate the power and work of our IC versus the capabilities of our CC. Our unconscious mind represents about 83% of the total mass of the brain, against 17% of mass for the conscious part. Our unconscious mind processes about 4,000,000,000 (billions) of information per second, while our conscious mind processes only 2,000. From the point of view of the control of our perceptions and behaviors, the unconscious mind directs 96 to 98% of the operations. Our conscious brain's memory time is about 20 seconds, so the information stored in our unconscious mind stays there for life if we don't "erase" it.

The conscious part of our brain is the one that we voluntarily control. It sets the goals to be achieved and judges the results obtained. On the other hand, the unconscious part of the brain is involuntary. It executes the goals set by the conscious brain in order to achieve the desired results without making value judgments about the results.

Our unconscious always thinks in the present and in absolute values. He is unable to think about the past, let alone the future. He is unable to judge and deny things. For example: "Be careful, don't cross the street", will become for our IC "Be careful, don't cross the street". He is also unable to give a comparative value (more or less) to something. It is our conscious that judges, evaluates and compares.

Every life experience is accompanied by sensory and emotional feelings. At any moment our unconscious mind uses this information to program or reprogram itself. By living new experiences and by being aware of the strong and positive sensory and emotional feelings linked to these new experiences, we can reprogram our IC at any time and in the present moment. Our IC, once reprogrammed, will allow us to adopt new behaviors induced by our conscious brain. We can take back control of our lives here and now and at any time by making new brain connections. By redirecting our lives and our ways of functioning, we can change and decide on a new and positive future!

This good news is very encouraging because in this way we can develop our mental and cerebral faculties at any age and not as we believe only during childhood. It's up to each person to decide here and now if they want to become beautiful, intelligent, or attract the positive into their life... Everything is possible!

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 12 October, 2017
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