What movements to make to relieve a cramp

A cramp happens without warning. This involuntary and sudden contraction of a muscle (calf, foot, toe...) is very unpleasant although it lasts only a short time. It can occur in the middle of the night or during intense physical effort. The causes are numerous and varied, such as dehydration, a mineral deficiency, an excess of lactic acid or blood circulation problems. Find out what to do to relieve a cramp naturally. 

Les étirements des muscles ou stretching

Soulager une crampe au mollet ou dans le pied

Stretching the contracted muscle is the first thing to do. As soon as the pain appears, do stretch movements to lengthen the muscle and relax it. This calms the muscle spasm.

To relieve acalf cramp or underfoot: extend your leg and stretch your feet into a "flex" by pushing your heel and bringing your toes toward you. You can also grab your toes from the painful leg and extend the leg to stretch the calf. 

This stretch quickly relieves pain. However, sometimes discomfort still persists for a few minutes. 

Calmer une crampe de la main

cramps in the hand usually happen as a result of repetitive movements where there is constant tension. The muscle is tetanized and lacks the rest to relax.

To soothe a cramp in the hand, it is advisable to extend the arm on the painful side in front of you, raise your hand, grasp the fingers and bring them towards you. This movement stretches the hand and forearm relieving themuscle tension. 

Les torsions allongées pour étirer le dos et les fessiers

Extended torsions are good exercises torelieve pain and discomfort in the lower back and glutes. 

To do this, lie on your back, arms crossed at shoulder height and palms facing the floor. The knees are folded on the chest. Inhale and on exhale, put the knees on the side, keeping them stuck and as close as possible to the armpits. The head turns away from you. During the twist, the shoulders should remain in contact with the floor. Then inhale as you come up and exhale as you change sides. 

It is important to breathe well and to respect the same number of twists on each side. 

Ecouter son corps

A cramp can appear anywhere and anytime. As soon as it occurs, remember to breathe deeply to properly oxygenate your body. At the same time, try to figure out how tostretch the affected muscle by performing instinctive counter-positional movements. 

Le massage aux huiles essentielles

Although massage is not a movement per se, the use of this technique combined with anti-spasmodic essential oils can be of great help. In cases of muscular fatigue, repetitive motions or chronic cramps, essential oils of spruce, wintergreen, bay laurel and peppermint will be able to warm and relax contracted muscles. 

To do this, mix 2 drops of either of the aforementioned essential oils in arnica vegetable oil, apply to the affected area and massage until the product is fully absorbed.

The massage should be deep, using circular motions moving outward with the thumbs.

Caution, the use of essential oils in pregnant or breastfeeding women and in children is not recommended. Please ask your doctor, pharmacist, midwife, physiotherapist, osteopath or naturopath for advice. 

Autres astuces naturelles pour venir à bout des crampes musculaires

The cramps have various origins. 

  • If it is dehydration, remember to drink enough water throughout the day and between meals. 

  • If you are Magnesium deficiency The following is a list of the most important things to consider: perhaps it would be necessary to consider supplementation with marine magnesium and vit B6.

  • If you're athletic: incorporate a recovery and stretching routine after your sports session.

  • If you have to perform repetitive movements: take breaks, change position, stretch regularly, invest in ergonomic equipment...

  • A physical therapy or osteopathy session can correct your alignment and relax muscle tensionespecially in pregnant women whose pelvis opens up sometimes causing severe lower back pain. 

  • Massage at a physical therapist, especially if you are athletic to improve recovery and eliminate lactic acid. 

Alexia Bernard 30 August, 2021
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