What causes diabetes?

Increased thirst could be an easily recognizable symptom. A symptom, yes, but of what disease? There are also others such as intense fatigue, the need to pee much more often, dryness in the eyes, lack of concentration, the desire to eat more often, a much slower healing of your wounds or tingling in the hands and/or feet.

Indeed, we are talking about diabetes, a disease that is logically asymptomatic and that can therefore evolve silently for many years and deteriorate the body silently. It is therefore by being very attentive to our behaviors and our deep feelings that we could detect a risk of diabetes or pre-diabetes.

This disease with very rare, often invisible and harmless symptoms has, however, causes that are, them, well present as for example:

  • Too much industrial food with the presence of bad sugars but also bad fats, coloring agents, toxic substances, preservatives, etc. These numerous particles that we ingest on a daily basis are indeed causal factors that must be taken into consideration and eradicated from our daily diet. It is then a poor quality diet that will be put forward in the detection of this disease.

  • The very excessive consumption of sugar puts a strain on the pancreas which, over the years, will become more and more tired... It is time to take into consideration the increased health risks of added sugar, mainly refined sugars and sweeteners.

  • Obesity is one of the first causes of insulin resistance.

  • Sedentary lifestyle and therefore people who do not do any or very little physical activity. We are not talking about high level sport here, but simply about moving your body a little to avoid locking it into a harmful stagnation.

  • Pregnancy can also be a trigger. In fact, many women retain type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes.

  • The use of certain medications such as antipsychotics, HIV medications or the birth control pill, which could have an impact on glucose tolerance. In the same vein, consider vaccines that can alter insulin function.

  • Unhealthy lifestyle which will then be the representation of some junk food as well as taking medication or alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, and other factors. These different elements put together can indeed be triggers.

  • A poor digestive system resulting in an unhealthy intestine. People with a diet low in whole grains and a lack of fibrous vegetables may be at risk for some type of diabetes.

  • Heredity, unfortunately.


While for some people, avoiding diabetes will be impossible, it is not forbidden to try to prevent it. Let's give ourselves the best chance. In fact, by adopting a correct lifestyle including a natural and healthy diet, devoid of refined sugars and fats, it is quite conceivable to avoid this dangerous disease. Knowing that diabetes is a chronic disease that can last a lifetime, there is the possibility of perhaps avoiding it or at least preventing it by changing the way you eat and even live.

Once diabetes has been declared, the patient's life changes completely. Indeed, many efforts will be asked to the consultant and sometimes that can be complicated physically but also emotionally. The care of a global health practitioner who will take into consideration your physical and emotional state will then be essential.

Become, now, an actor of your health!

Vanessa Colant 14 April, 2017
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