Pesticides: what are the dangers to your health?

The pesticides that cross our path every day are really too many! Indeed, they are absolutely everywhere! In our food, in our water, in our air, in our soil, in our everyday objects. We breathe them, ingest them and even capture them through our skin. Pesticides are killing us slowly and few higher authorities are concerned about it. While the highest authorities would have the power to change things, to avoid sanitary dramas, they close their eyes on the real dangers that the population lives every day. Health is impacted, it is in danger!

Are we really to believe that an unhealthy population brings secondary benefits to the state?

What are pesticides?

Pesticides are chemicals used primarily in agriculture to protect crops and harvests from insects, diseases or fungi. Therefore, when you eat a non-organic food, the risk of ingesting pesticides is present.

Pesticides: what are the dangers to your health?

Pesticides: labels to know

To date, several labels exist to assure us of healthy products free of toxicities and pesticide use. Unfortunately, obtaining these labels requires a huge financial investment from our producers. When you don't have a large market share, membership is almost impossible.

- European Union organic label and AB: this label promises 95% or more of the product's components that are organically grown. However, there is a tolerance for GMO contamination of up to 0.9%.

- Nature and progress label: this label promises 100% plant ingredients from organic farming, without GMOs. A real quality label.

- Bio Cohérence: this label is a private guarantee that is added to the AB label, with additional criteria.

- The Fairtrade label:this is a private label that is not organic but certifies production by small producers. This label must be associated with the Bio logo to give it the double value of quality.

Pesticides on your health

In addition to the enormous dangers that pesticides have on the ecosystem, the environment and nature, thesechemicals used in abundance negatively impact consumer health. Hormonal disruption, a breast cancerMale infertility, early puberty in young girls are so many problems of our era. In these cases, endocrine disruptors are the biggest culprits.

Fetal malformation: today, many children who are born with a malformation are children who have been in contact - in utero - with pesticides, mainly because they penetrate the placental barrier.

Without forgetting that pesticides can cause: cancers, mood disorders, neurotoxic problems but also a weakening of the immune system...

Pesticides and the liver

Our body has a wonderful filter: the liver. This warmest organ of the body has the mission of removing from our body the toxic from our life but also the toxins that we make ourselves. However, it is not designed to remove so many chemical molecules.

Indeed, pesticides are generally eliminated from our body via the liver, but the liver has to produce an extra effort, a much more complex work to overcome these parasites in our body. Although it adapts to its environment, the liver gets tired faster and usually requires much-needed support through liver herbal medicine, for example.

Pesticides and our gardens

If you're considering starting your own vegetable garden to limit pesticide risks, consider it consciously. Indeed, our lands are also polluted and are therefore not treated to accommodate an organic culture. While you have no intention of spraying your fruits and vegetables with chemicals, always ask for a soil test to ensure that your land is not overly polluted.

Pesticides: what are the dangers to your health?
# Food
Vanessa Colant 11 February, 2019
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