Exercise: the best way to control your weight!

Exercise is fundamental to losing weight and maintaining a healthy ideal weight, especially if combined with healthy eating habits. The many, many studies and all the experts who have studied the issue, as well as the millions of people who have lost weight, show unequivocally that exercise works.


Exercising eliminates abdominal fat

Medium to high intensity aerobic exercise has a very big impact on reducing abdominal fat - the dangerous fat that increases your risk of diabetes or cardiovascular disease.


Exercising controls calories

You have to burn more calories than you consume to lose weight. Exercise means using and burning excess calories that would otherwise be stored as fat.


Exercising really does help maintain your weight.

90% of people who have successfully lost weight for more than a year, and maintain that weight, do about one hour of physical activity per day.


Exercising boosts metabolism

Of course, you lose fat when you diet without exercising, but you also lose muscle, which means you burn fewer calories. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism and the more calories you will burn.


Exercising: much more than what you see on the scale

If you gain 1.5 kg of dry muscle and lose 2 kg in weight, you have, in fact, experienced a 3.5 kg improvement in your fitness, despite the fact that the scale only shows 500g of weight loss.


Exercising refrains from eating under emotional influence

Exercise, and this has been proven many times, helps to stabilize mood, and therefore has a direct effect on the compulsive behavior of people who eat under the influence of their emotions, when they are stressed or worried.


Exercising creates a healthy chain reaction

Healthy habits tend to combine. And to add up. When we make positive changes, such as getting more exercise, we tend to improve in other areas as well, such as eating healthier.


Exercising , it brings pleasure.

Climbing a rock is more exciting than eating a piece of celery. Sometimes it's easier to be active to stay slim than to constantly put yourself on a strict diet.


Exercising calms hunger

People who diet and exercise at the same time are actually less hungry than people who only diet, according to a recent study.


Exercising increases your energy.

Regular physical activity builds stamina and increases the production of neurotransmitters that provide energy. This gives you even more motivation to move and lose weight.

I am absolutely convinced that exercise is one of the most important tools for achieving optimal health. I find it difficult to have excellent health without regular exercise.

You probably know that in addition to optimizing your vitamin D level, lowering your insulin level below 2 is one of the physical health goals you should have. Recent studies have shown that postmenopausal women with high insulin levels are at greater risk of developing breast cancer, for example.

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to normalize insulin levels and drastically reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and obesity. If you are overweight, you will need a minimum of 30′ per day of exercise to lose weight. Most studies have shown that the best in this case is 60′ per day.

The most important thing is to do the right kind of exercise. And don't just do cardio. One of the secrets that can truly boost weight loss is what is called interval training, a succession of intensive exercises followed by active recovery exercises. Several studies have confirmed that this type of training burns more fat than continuous exercise. And this even if the session is not done at a very high intensity. Scientists believe that this type of exercise works because it produces a unique metabolic response. Intermittent sprints generate a high level of chemicals called catecholamines, which cause more fat to burn under the skin and in the muscles. It is considered that it is this increased oxidation of fat that results in additional weight loss.

Start your physical activity after a check-up by your doctor. And then, go for it! The choice is vast: jogging, walking, golfing.....choose an activity that you like.

Exercise: not only is it much less expensive than medical procedures or treatments... but it not only reduces your risk of disease, it makes you feel great!

Exercise and sleep better, lose or maintain your weight, improve your immunity, reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes... the benefits are many....and help your brain work better... because physical activity also makes you smarter!

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 16 November, 2017
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